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Warning signs you may be addictedWarning signs you may be addicted<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClass9E72CD22879C441D9C19129167230124"> <p>It’s never easy to admit that you have a problem. Changing habits can be scary, even though we know addiction is harmful. Remember, you are not alone.</p></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Am I addicted?</h2><p>If you display any of the symptoms in the graphic below, you may have an addiction problem. </p> <span><figure class="subtopic-fullsize-img"><img class="responsive" src="" alt="" style="width:714px;" />​ </figure></span> <div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border"> <i class="info remember"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Remember</h4><p>If you need more information on substance abuse, support and treatment centres, call the City of Cape Town’s 24/7 toll-free alcohol and drug helpline on <em> <a>0800 4357 4 8</a></em> (0800 HELP 4 U).</p></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Quiz: Do I have a problem?</h2><p>Take this quiz to see whether or not you need help. Answer these 20 questions as honestly as possible:</p><ul><li>Do you ever drink or use drugs alone? YES/NO</li><li>Have you ever tried to stop or control your drinking or drug use? YES/NO</li><li>Are family and friends worried about your drinking or drug use? YES/NO</li><li>Do you ever feel ashamed or guilty about your drinking or drug use? YES/NO</li><li>Is your drinking or drug use making your home life unhappy? YES/NO</li><li>Has your work/academic performance ever suffered because of your drinking or drug use? YES/NO</li><li>Have you ever lied about how much you’ve had to drink or what drugs you’ve used? YES/NO</li><li>Have you ever stolen to be able to buy alcohol or drugs? YES/NO</li><li>Have you ever stolen alcohol or drugs? YES/NO</li><li>Have you ever been arrested because of an alcohol or drug-related incident? YES/NO</li><li>Do you take risks – such as speeding, using dirty needles or having unprotected sex – while under the influence of drugs/alcohol? YES/NO</li><li>Have you ever put buying alcohol or drugs ahead of other financial responsibilities? YES/NO</li><li>Have you ever had to see a doctor or had health problems because of your drinking or drug use? YES/NO</li><li>Do you often drink or use drugs first thing in the morning? YES/NO</li><li>Do you think about alcohol or drugs a lot? YES/NO</li><li>Do you avoid people or places that don’t like your drinking or drug use? YES/NO</li><li>Does the thought of not drinking or using drugs frighten you? YES/NO</li><li>Do you keep on drinking and using drugs, despite the bad things that happen? YES/NO</li><li>Do you ever think you might be going crazy? YES/NO</li><li>Do you ever feel it would be impossible to live without alcohol or drugs? YES/NO</li></ul><p> <b>If you answered YES to:</b></p><ul><li>five questions, you may be at risk; or</li><li>more than five questions, there is a problem. </li></ul><h2 class="sectHeading">Treatment and help</h2><p>With the right support, you can have a positive and happy future. Call the City of Cape Town’s 24/7 toll-free alcohol and drug helpline on <em><a>0800 4357 4 8</a></em> (0800 HELP 4 U). <br><br><strong>You can also do one of the following:</strong></p><ul><li>Visit your local social worker.</li><li>If you are 18 years or older, you can go directly to one of the City of Cape Town’s Matrix® sites Drug and Outpatient Clinics or your nearest community-based treatment service, such as SANCA. Call<em> <a>0800 220 250</a></em> or go through the list of SANCA offices.</li><li>Visit your nearest <a href="" target="_blank">Western Cape Department of Social Development<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> office (‘social services’ office).</li></ul><p>A professional will guide you through the process – you are not alone. For more information, read our section <a href="">Help and treatment for your addiction.</a></p><h2 class="sectHeading">Tips for staying clean</h2><p> <strong>Staying clean once you have received help is a challenge, but here are tips to make it easier:</strong></p><ul><li>It’s best to avoid people with whom you used drugs or alcohol.</li><li>Avoid places where you liked to use drugs or alcohol.</li><li>Try and keep yourself busy during a craving – it only lasts a few minutes.</li><li>When you think about using, try to think about something completely different.</li><li>Try find other things that you like to do; the City has many great Sport and Recreation facilities across the city with a range of programmes designed to keep people busy and active. See our <a href="" target="_blank">full programme schedule</a>. </li></ul>​ GP0|#454e7254-1fda-4c4d-bad0-cdf165f3f1e1;L0|#0454e7254-1fda-4c4d-bad0-cdf165f3f1e1|Warning signs you may be addicted;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#4aca2abc-1f61-493a-9343-0924e5d18a84;GPP|#090e430c-3809-42d5-a80b-caea93b2beaf;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711If you are dependant on drugs or alcohol or use them more than you should, you may be addicted.



Sport and Recreation Department Combined Programme SchedulesSport and Recreation Department Combined Programme Schedules23464181GP0|#64516e28-0805-4b47-b9bf-56d16c027cb9;L0|#064516e28-0805-4b47-b9bf-56d16c027cb9|Schedule;GTSet|#f1e8889f-f7d7-4d5b-a3f5-af0ca2e076ea;GPP|#d8892104-ce90-493e-b813-93c488f4b1d3;GPP|#0972c695-fd19-46c4-ab5d-9601f17b780e2015-12-31T22:00:00Z



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