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Abraham Community GardenAbraham Community Garden<p>The City is expanding its Poverty Alleviation and Reduction Programme to help ease the plight of the poor through food gardens.</p><p>The aim is for these food gardens to become a source of nutrition not only for the children who attend ECDs, but also the most vulnerable members in the surrounding communities.</p><p>Food gardens that are sustainable can also be a source of income and help build stronger and healthier communities. More than that, access to fresh fruit and vegetables also results in healthier lives and reduces the risk of lifestyle diseases that are fuelled by poor nutrition, like diabetes and hypertension.</p><h4>Wesley October</h4><p><em>Office telephone:<br><a>021 850 4185</a></em></p><h4>Zandiswa Qoma</h4><p><em>Cellphone:<br><a>074 129 5988</a></em></p>Strand<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />GP0|#ccffff9a-05b7-4b6f-b17b-657987eedb0c;L0|#0ccffff9a-05b7-4b6f-b17b-657987eedb0c|Gardening;GTSet|#f9aff7f8-0cfa-49a2-b7df-1c34f0e053e8





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