Cape Town - a city for creatives | Cape Town - a city for creatives | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <div class="ExternalClassA4BD4FFFA6CF407882C92515760A0663"><p>Our city is a creative hub with a great amount of arts, heritage and cultural sites. Our creative economy is strong; we boast world-class dance, drama and music, as well as visual arts, crafts, design and written and spoken literature. </p>
</div> | <h2 class="sectHeading">What makes Cape Town an arts and culture hub?</h2><p>Being chosen as the
<a href="" target="_blank"> World Design Capital 2014<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> has made us one of the world’s most vibrant creative destinations. However, we have long been a national leader in publishing, digital media, illustration, the visual arts, IT and design.</p><p> We are:</p><ul><li>a city with a colourful and vivid
<a href="">history and heritage</a> – both human and natural;</li><li>a meeting point of cultures, languages and artistic traditions; and</li><li>a beautiful environment that inspires creativity and attracts artists and tourism.</li></ul><p> We have:</p><ul><li>quality public spaces,
<a href="">recreational facilities</a> and
<a href=""> transport systems </a>– such as the
<a href="" target="_blank">MyCiTi Bus<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> – which help people get to our many
<a href="">signature events</a>, cultural festivals and cultural spaces; </li><li>fascinating architecture,
<a href="">public art</a>, and monuments and memorials; and</li><li>many tertiary education facilities (both private and public) which offer arts, culture and creative industries skills development.</li></ul><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy light-blue bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info fastfact"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Fast fact</h4><p>A national study conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council showed that the visual arts contributed over R1 billion to the national economy per year and created work for over 17 000 people.</p></div></div><p>
<b>Our creative economy is strong and growing</b></p><ul><li>34.6% of creatives in Cape Town are self-employed.</li><li>67.9% of creatives in the city report being active in the industry for over six years.</li><li>Approximately 50% of all creative companies in Cape Town are
<a href="">SMMEs (Small Medium and Micro Enterprises)</a> employing one to five people.</li><li>33% of creative firms report that at least 50-75% of their customers are located in the CBD.</li><li>Approximately 56 to 80 000 people work in the design sector in the Western Cape, with an impact of R13.5 billion on the Western Cape economy – the bulk of which is Cape Town based.<br></li></ul><h2 class="sectHeading">Why be a creative city?</h2><p>We believe ideas and the arts create growth and unity. Creative cities encourage communities to think outside the box, share more and come up with solutions together for everyday issues.</p><p>Arts and culture also play a big role in:</p><ul><li>economic development – the cultural and creative economy is a powerful one;</li><li>the creation of new products, spaces and events;</li><li>building up independent creators and entrepreneurs;</li><li>creating jobs and developing skills;</li><li>improving knowledge sharing and networking;</li><li>inter-cultural interactions through tourism;</li><li>innovative design solutions for public spaces through public art and design; and</li><li>raising the quality of life in our city.</li></ul><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy light-blue bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info fastfact"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Fast fact</h4><p>It is estimated that there are 56 to 80 000 people working in the design sector in the Western Cape province; this sector contributes R13.5 billion to the Western Cape economy. We are proud to say that the bulk of this workforce is Cape Town-based.</p></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Why choose Cape Town for your creative project?</h2><p>Both locals and visitors should feel a part of a unique shared identity. We believe it is important to cultivate a city’s unique arts and culture while encouraging visitors to help grow our diversity. Our good infrastructure, great basic services and strong skills and labour force make it worthwhile and easy to do creative projects in the mother city.</p><p>
The City's <a href="">Arts and Culture Branch</a> also has a special focus on building the arts. With our groundbreaking
<a href="" target="_blank">Arts, Culture and Creative Industries Policy</a> and action plan, we work to support local creative industries and the arts by:</p><ul><li>providing tools for coordination, information sharing, knowledge creation and research;</li><li>introducing projects that enhance public life by promoting inter-cultural dialogue, social cohesion, public engagement with art and culture, and local creation;</li><li>protecting and promoting tangible and intangible cultural heritage;</li><li>providing mechanisms to support and uplift local creative talent;</li><li>developing programmes that market arts and cultural assets locally and internationally, and further social development and inclusion;</li><li>developing and promoting the economic potential of arts, culture and creative industries; and</li><li>providing cultural infrastructure to support and further the cultural, social and economic development of our communities.</li></ul><p> Read our
<a href="" target="_blank">Arts, Culture and Creative Industries Policy</a> and action plan.</p><h2 class="sectHeading">Get involved </h2><p>
<a href="">Find public art in the city</a> or
<a href="">apply for a public art permit</a> with the City and create your own. </p><p>You may also
<a href="">apply for event support</a> from the City or visit our page
<a href="">Creatively collaborate with us</a> to discover further opportunities. If you want to hold a creative public event, find out more about the
<a href="">application process for large events</a> or
<a href="">small ones</a>.</p><p>Learn more about arts and culture in Cape Town, and how we nurture our artistic and creative economy in our <a href="" target="_blank">Arts and Culture Pamphlet</a>.<br></p> | | GP0|#f44c6361-36cd-43db-8bca-9f30fdcc38bf;L0|#0f44c6361-36cd-43db-8bca-9f30fdcc38bf|Cape Town - a city for creatives;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#c2b2fff1-0d02-4be9-a5a8-936638b70b67;GPP|#0c2420be-c66e-49a2-a10b-86921ae3c3c2;GPP|#af370586-9ba3-404a-9d6e-02066ca42752 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Our city is a rich hub of arts, heritage and cultural sites, activities, and opportunities for all creatives. | 0 |