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Urban Mobility Transport Month 2024Urban Mobility Transport Month 2024<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClass1B8793FF35104F75B15723FF43D00F5C"><p>This October, the City’s <a href="">Urban Mobility Directorate</a> is celebrating National Transport Month under the theme: <em>Urban Mobility, Keeping You Moving</em>. </p><p>Join us for inspiring discussions focussed on addressing the City’s congestion conundru​m and innovation in transport construction, as well as a series of interactive community roadshows.<br></p></div><span> <h2 class="sectHeading">​​​​​​​​​​​​​Overview​​​​​​​<br></h2></span> <p> The Urban Mobility Directorate oversees Cape Town’s largest asset: an extensive road network spanning 11,000 kilometres.</p><p> Our mission is to ensure this network remains viable, efficient, and safe. We achieve this by developing, maintaining, and managing the roads, while also enabling a sustainable, affordable, and reliable integrated public transport system that supports transit-oriented development. </p><p>This October, we are excited to host our annual Transport Month. The 2024 programme features insightful panel discussions and engaging roadshows throughout the city. We kick off Transport Month with two days of panel discussions at the Civic Centre Concourse Level, where you'll have the opportunity to engage with and learn from leading transport industry experts. </p> ​ <div class="responsive-media"> <iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>  <br></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Panel discussions<br></h2><p>The panel discussions will proceed as follows:</p><ul><li> <strong>Topic: </strong><strong>The Congestion Conundrum </strong></li><li> <strong>Date: </strong>Tuesday, 1 October 2024<br></li><li> <strong>Time: </strong>10:00 – 11:30 </li></ul><p> In light of the growing population, what is required to get Cape Town moving sustainably? The focus will be on addressing the challenges of urban congestion, particularly in light of the rapid population growth in Cape Town. With the city's population doubling in recent years, our existing road infrastructure is under immense pressure, and we are running out of space to build new roads. The panel will explore alternative innovative solutions to relieve congestion instead of resorting to demolition or widening roads. </p><ul><li> <strong>Topic:</strong><strong> Innovation in Construction</strong><br></li><li> <strong>Date: </strong>Wednesday, 2 October 2024</li><li> <strong>Time:</strong> 10:00 – 11:30 <br></li></ul><p>The focus will be on the latest innovations in transport infrastructure, with an emphasis on sustainable, efficient, and forward-thinking construction methods. The panel will highlight how new technologies and practices in construction can help meet the growing demands of urban mobility, improve project delivery times, reduce costs and minimise environmental impact.<br></p><p> <a href="" target="_blank">View the full list of panellists​</a>.<br></p> <span> <h2 class="sectHeading">What to expect</h2></span> <ul><li> <strong>Meet the team: </strong>Connect with the Urban Mobility team to learn how we’re making a difference. </li><li> <strong>Stay informed: </strong>Learn about the current and upcoming projects in your area.</li><li> <strong>Explore careers: </strong>Discover exciting career paths and career opportunities in transport. </li><li> <strong>Fun and prizes: </strong>Enjoy interactive games, entertainment and giveaways.</li></ul><p>Urban Mobility plays a crucial role in keeping our roads safe and ensuring that traffic flows smoothly, but we need your involvement to continue improving how we move in and around the city.<br></p> <span> <div class="infographic bg-font-adjust-bg">​​​​​​​​​​ <figure> <img class="responsive" alt="placeholder" src="" /></figure> <figcaption> <p> <strong></strong> <span class="infoGraphicSpan"> <strong>transport month 2024</strong></span><br>​​<br>Download the programme.<br></p> <a title="title" class="btn dark-blue" href="" target="_blank"> <i class="icon download"></i>Download PDF</a> </figcaption> </div></span> <span> <h2 class="sectHeading">Community roadshow​<br></h2></span> <h4>View the community roadshow schedule below:<br></h4> <span> <div class="mobile-scroll"><table style="width:521px;"><thead><tr><th style="width:158px;">Date<br></th><th style="width:118px;">Time<br></th><th style="width:214px;">Venue<br></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style="width:158px;">1 and 2 October 2024<br></td><td style="width:118px;">10:00 - 13:00<br></td><td style="width:214px;">Cape Town Civic Centre, Concourse Level<br>12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town<br></td></tr><tr><td style="width:158px;">10 October 2024<br></td><td style="width:118px;">15:00 - 19:00<br></td><td style="width:214px;">Parow Civic Centre, Minor Hall, 1 Tallent Street, Parow<br></td></tr><tr><td style="width:158px;">15 October 2024<br></td><td style="width:118px;">15:00 - 19:00<br></td><td style="width:214px;">Leibrandt Van Niekerk Community Hall, Cnr South Rd and Fair Way, Table View<br></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" style="width:158px;">​24 October 2024<br></td><td rowspan="1" style="width:118px;">​15:00 - 19:00<br></td><td rowspan="1" style="width:214px;">​Dulcie September Civic Centre, Cnr Protea and Eland streets, Athlone<br></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" style="width:158px;">​29 October 2024<br></td><td rowspan="1" style="width:118px;">​15:00 - 19:00<br></td><td rowspan="1" style="width:214px;">​Garden Village Community Hall, Gum Street, Somerset West<br></td></tr></tbody></table></div>​​​</span><span> <h2 class="sectHeading">Stay connected<br></h2></span> <p>Follow us for the latest updates, news, and insights:</p><ul><li> <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter<i class="icon link-external"></i></a></li><li> <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook<i class="icon link-external"></i></a></li><li> <a href="" target="_blank">LinkedIn<i class="icon link-external"></i></a><br></li></ul><p> <em>#UrbanMobilityCT #TransportMonth24 #CTKeepingYouMoving </em><br></p> <span> <h2 class="sectHeading">Contact us<br></h2></span> <ul><li> <strong>General enquiries:</strong> <em><a href="">​</a></em></li></ul>GP0|#d99edbe2-6561-4f49-bdbd-0a40d5b3ff8b;L0|#0d99edbe2-6561-4f49-bdbd-0a40d5b3ff8b|Transport Month 2024;GTSet|#dc1a8a1b-0357-45bc-b768-7d9a89c8ef94;GPP|#780150fb-25ca-42e5-8afb-af3efe7e13a3Join us for inspiring discussions focussed on addressing the City’s congestion conundru​m and innovation in transport construction, as well as a series of interactive community roadshows.0



Urban Mobility Transport Month 2024 ProgrammeUrban Mobility Transport Month 2024 Programme365824GP0|#b9dbad9d-ad14-41c7-b3e1-cbf2345298d1;L0|#0b9dbad9d-ad14-41c7-b3e1-cbf2345298d1|Programme plan;GTSet|#f1e8889f-f7d7-4d5b-a3f5-af0ca2e076ea;GPP|#7922fed8-60a6-4fd6-b1c5-ad6347009b36;GPP|#0972c695-fd19-46c4-ab5d-9601f17b780e2024-09-29T22:00:00Z
Urban Mobility Transport Month 2024: Panellists BookletUrban Mobility Transport Month 2024: Panellists Booklet807779GP0|#5702b03d-251a-4a3f-8243-b5b3f7bb764a;L0|#05702b03d-251a-4a3f-8243-b5b3f7bb764a|Booklet;GTSet|#f1e8889f-f7d7-4d5b-a3f5-af0ca2e076ea;GPP|#5340fe0b-73a7-472c-bef7-04e450fb5c4f;GPP|#0972c695-fd19-46c4-ab5d-9601f17b780e2024-09-29T22:00:00Z



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