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Residents encouraged to comment on new spatial vision for the Philippi Opportunity Area<p>The Philippi Opportunity Area (POA) is located in the metro-south east, in close proximity to the Philippi Horticultural Area, the Cape Town International Airport, and the key access routes of the N2 and R300. It includes portions of Philippi East, the Philippi Industrial Area, Heinz Park, Nyanga, Crossroads and a small portion of Gugulethu, all-in-all approximately 817 ha in total.  </p><span> <figure class="subtopic-fullsize-img"> <img class="responsive" src="" alt="" style="width:951px;" /> </figure><p>​‘The POA’s strategic location is pivotal to its regeneration into an inclusive, thriving, sustainable, and resilient area. The draft LSDF for the POA concludes that this area has the potential to become a catalyst for the development and transformation of the metro-south east.</p><p>‘The draft LSDF proposes that the POA be transformed into a mixed use and transit-oriented development (TOD) node, with green spaces and an industrial character. It seeks to create urban spaces with a mix of higher density residential development, retail and recreational spaces, within walkable precincts supported by transport facilities and quality social amenities. I encourage residents and interested parties to please participate and to submit their comments on the draft Local Spatial Development Framework for this area,’ said the City’s Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Eddie Andrews.</p></span><p>To participate:</p><ul><li>The draft LSDF documents are available for download from <a href=""></a></li><li>Can be viewed at the offices of Subcouncils 12, 13, 14 and 17</li><li>Can be viewed at the following libraries:<br>- Browns Farm Public Library, Bristol Road, Philippi West <br>- Crossroads Public Library, Philippi Village, Cwangco Crescent, Philippi <br>- Nyanga Public Library, Freedom Square, Nyanga<br>- Philippi East Public Library, Lower Crossroads, Philippi East</li><li>Email: <a href=""></a> </li></ul><p>Economic development can be ignited by improving the road links with the PHA, the airport, and existing industrial activities, but also upgrading spaces and facilities to better organise the informal economy and giving it a chance to grow. At the same time, it pursues opportunities to create safe and easily accessible neighbourhoods for living, working, and visiting.</p><p>The City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Growth, Alderman James Vos, said: ‘Given the envisaged realignment of the Cape Town International Airport runway, the possibility to develop more residential opportunities and pursue other mixed land uses within the POA is on the horizon.</p><p>‘The Economic Growth Directorate’s mandate is to continue to position Cape Town as a forward looking globally competitive investment destination and to ensure that a conducive environment is created to foster inclusive economic growth. This is achieved through various programmes and partnerships with other City departments, government entities and the private sector aimed at addressing constraints to economic growth and job creation.’</p><p>The POA is currently characterised by high unemployment, low household incomes, and crime; there is poor access to and from the area; lack of critical public facilities; and insufficient housing. Its central location, however, is a key asset, and with improved access, the POA can link with the city, the Airport Industrial area, and the South Peninsula.</p><p>The draft LSDF for the POA seeks to unlock the area’s potential by, among others:</p><ul><li>improving access through redesigning and upgrading major local roads – these are the road networks linking the POA with the airport, the PHA, and industrial areas</li><li>releasing vacant or underused State owned land to address local needs</li><li>developing a range of mixed use affordable housing typologies for different income groups and lifestyles</li><li>supporting emerging economic activities such as agri-processing and the expansion of the Fresh Produce Market, food production, waste recycling and processing</li><li>supporting informal trading with well-located markets and trading spaces</li><li>encouraging the development of safe and pedestrian-friendly public spaces and celebrating the area’s unique character and heritage, including historic tree avenues</li><li>creating a green network with parks, multi-functional stormwater and sport facilities, and food garden spaces</li></ul><p>The draft LSDF for the POA proposes interventions; projects related to roads, infrastructure and placemaking; and investments to support the implementation of the spatial vision, once approved by Council.</p><p>‘The draft LSDF is available for comment from tomorrow, Tuesday, 3 May 2022, for 60 days. I want to encourage those living and working in this area to please participate. Once the public participation process has been concluded, the draft LSDF will be revised to include the comments received from all local stakeholder groups and residents. After Council approval, the LSDF will become City policy and guide land use, development and investment in the POA,’ said Alderman Andrews. </p><p>Caption: The draft LSDF for the Philippi Opportunity Area seeks to unlock the area’s potential. Residents and interested and affected parties are encouraged to comment on this plan from 3 May to 4 July 2022. </p><p><br>End</p>2022-05-01T22:00:00ZGP0|#1d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70;L0|#01d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70|City news;GTSet|#62efe227-07aa-45e7-944c-ceebacca891dGP0|#366cd86b-6607-44bd-bfaf-c690e15d90fb;L0|#0366cd86b-6607-44bd-bfaf-c690e15d90fb|Philippi;GTSet|#2e3de6c1-9951-4747-8f53-470629a399bb;GP0|#f6dffcad-4b4f-4f86-aaf5-b5b67070df49;L0|#0f6dffcad-4b4f-4f86-aaf5-b5b67070df49|local spatial development framework10


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