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Refuse collection in Philippi delayed by protests <p>​</p><p><strong>Refuse collection in Philippi delayed by protests </strong></p><p> <br></p><p>The City of Cape Town wants to inform Philippi residents that the Urban Waste Management Directorate unfortunately could not empty refuse bins yesterday, Wednesday 29 May due to violent protests in the area at the time. </p><p> </p><p>The plan is to clear the backlog on Saturday 1 June 2024. Residents need to keep their bins on the property until then. Please do not resort to illegal dumping. </p><p> <br></p><p>The City regrets any inconvenience during this time. </p><p> </p><p>Recycling and composting can assist with reducing the amount of waste in the wheelie bin. Residents can find helpful information on how to compost and recycle on the City's website: </p><p> </p><p><a href=""> and home/greener-living/recycling-at-home/recycling-guide</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=""> and home/greener-living/green-gardening-and-eating/start-composting-at-home</a></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>End</strong></p><p><br></p>2024-05-29T22:00:00ZGP0|#1d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70;L0|#01d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70|City news;GTSet|#62efe227-07aa-45e7-944c-ceebacca891dGP0|#36a1168d-a508-46b6-bc80-b2e9f2f35a0b;L0|#036a1168d-a508-46b6-bc80-b2e9f2f35a0b|Community and Society;GTSet|#2e3de6c1-9951-4747-8f53-470629a399bb;GP0|#30dd8f25-92b1-4698-88d7-6dcdeb3d56c1;L0|#030dd8f25-92b1-4698-88d7-6dcdeb3d56c1|waste and cleaning10


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