Planned water supply maintenance from 26 October to 31 October 2024 | Planned water supply maintenance from 26 October to 31 October 2024 | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <p>The City’s Water and Sanitation Directorate will be doing planned work in the identified areas, which will result in water supply disruptions. This critical maintenance work is done on our water-supply infrastructure to benefit customers. Residents in the affected areas are encouraged to take note of the work that will take place and prepare accordingly.</p> | <p></p><span><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Maintenance
work, including pipe and valve installations, repairs and replacements </font></span></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Residents
are advised to <strong>store enough water in advance</strong>, as a precautionary
measure. <strong>Water should ideally be stored in clean, sealed containers. </strong></font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Planned
maintenance work will result in water supply disruption to these areas: </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">City-wide</font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">The Faure Water
Treatment Plant is undergoing routine maintenance as from <strong>Monday, 21 October
2024, to Sunday, 27 October 2024.</strong> This work includes the replacement of 10
valves at the filters, a 600mm valve on the raw water line (RSE) turbine, and
the installation of a 1 800mm magnetic flow meter on the raw water line at
Stellenbosch, as well as a 1 600mm magnetic flow meter near Faure. During this
period, the Faure RSE will be offline and is expected to be <strong>fully recharged
by Monday, 28 October 2024. Residents and businesses across the city are
encouraged to reduce water usage during this period to maintain a sustainable
supply and prevent the reservoirs from running dry until maintenance is
complete.</strong></font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;vertical-align:middle;"><strong><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Top
section of Kenridge</font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">The
water supply to the top section of Kenridge will be shut off <strong>from 09:00
until 16:00 on Tuesday, 29 October 2024, </strong>to allow for the connection of a
new water main to the existing network. The following roads will have no water
supply during this period: Matroosberg, Erica, Alma, Jonkershoek,
Witzenberg, Sederberg, Paardeberg, Waaihoek, Buffelshoek, Houhoek,
Homestead Mews, Upper Kenridge and Franshoek Way. In addition to this, the
Altydgedacht-zone will also be isolated, which will bring about water
disruption to the following Streets: Odendal, Trend, Parker, Maritz, Hewit,
Pretorius, Kriel, Cooper, Loubser, Furguson, Chatelaine and Grobler Street.
<strong>Affected residents and businesses are encouraged to store water in
clean, sealed containers ahead of the disruption to ensure adequate supply.</strong></font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
<figure class="subtopic-fullsize-img">
<img class="responsive" src="" alt="" style="width:1900px;" /> </figure><p><br> </p><p></p><span><p></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Mfuleni</font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">The
water supply in Mbindi Avenue and Mjikeliso Way will be shut off from <strong>09:00
until 16:00 on Tuesday, 29 October 2024</strong> to allow for the safe installation
of an isolation valve. This will result in a temporary water disruption across
Mfuleni. To assist affected residents, <strong>water tankers will be available </strong>at
the following locations:<strong> one at the fire station, another at the clinic, and
a roaming tanker</strong> will be deployed throughout the area. <strong>Affected
residents and businesses are encouraged to store water in clean, sealed
containers ahead of the disruption to ensure adequate supply.</strong></font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><font face="Century Gothic"><strong><span style="color:windowtext;">Steenbras Water Treatment
Plant shutdown<br>
</span></strong><span lang="EN-US" style="color:windowtext;">The
Steenbras Water Treatment Plant will temporarily shut down <strong>from Tuesday, 29
October 2024, until Thursday, 31 October 2024</strong> to enable the maintenance
team to do routine maintenance.<strong> </strong>The reservoirs will be filled in
advance. <strong>Residents are kindly requested to reduce their water consumption
during this period</strong>. </span></font></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><font color="#000000"><strong><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">Glencairn </span></strong><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">(Please
note the new date)</span></strong></font></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><font color="#000000"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">The water supply to various roads in Glencairn will be
shut off<strong> from 07:30 until 17:00 on Wednesday, 30 October 2024, </strong>to enable
the safe completion of construction work on the main water supply.<strong><em> </em></strong>The
work involves the installation valves on the newly-installed water pipeline
along Cockburn Street, which will result in water disruption in areas alongside
Cockburn Street and surrounding areas. </span><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">Affected
residents and businesses are encouraged to store water in clean, sealed
containers ahead of the disruption to ensure adequate supply.</span></strong></font></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Sir
Lowry’s Pass Village</font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><font color="#000000"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">The
water supply to the Sir Lowry’s Pass area will be shut off <strong>from 08:00 until
17:00 on Wednesday, 30 October 2024. </strong>This will enable the maintenance team
to do a water supply infrastructure upgrade and safely </span><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">install
three critical control valves on the water supply network in this area. The
impacted area could unfortunately not be reduced due to a defective control
valve. </span><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">Affected
residents and businesses are encouraged to store water in clean, sealed
containers ahead of the disruption to ensure adequate supply.</span></strong></font></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Strand</font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><font color="#000000"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">The
water supply to the Strand area will be disrupted <strong>from 08:00 until 17:00 on
Wednesday, 30 October 2024, </strong>to allow the maintenance team to conduct dummy
shut offs at Joubert and Munnick Street.<strong> </strong>This will enable the
maintenance team to identify damaged control valves and safely </span><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">replace critical control valves on the water supply network in this
area. The impacted areas can unfortunately not be reduced due to a defective
control valve in this area. </span><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">Affected
residents and businesses are encouraged to store water in clean, sealed
containers ahead of the disruption to ensure adequate supply.</span></strong></font></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;vertical-align:middle;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">This
work forms part of the Water and Sanitation Directorate’s proactive
infrastructure maintenance and upgrade programme, which ensures the future
continuity of water supply by addressing the issue of unaccounted for water. </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
<figure class="subtopic-fullsize-img">
<img class="responsive" src="" alt="" style="width:1900px;" /> </figure></span></span><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><font color="#000000"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">Zero-pressure
tests (ZPT) and conditional assessments</span></span></strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"> will be done on the water supply network in
the following areas:</span></font></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><font color="#000000"><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;">Thursday,
31 October 2024, from 09:00 until 17:00:</span></strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"> Grassy Park, Pelican Park, Lotus River,
Knole Park, Zeekoevlei, Parkwood and Montagues Gift.</span></font></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Zero-pressure testing and
step-testing are part of the installation process for zone management
infrastructure. Tests are done in advance, to see if any unmapped inflows need
to be considered before installing new infrastructure (such as pressure
reducing valves for pressure management). </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">In these affected areas, some
residents may experience low water pressure, and some may have no water coming
out of their taps for some time during the testing period. </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Unfortunately, it is not
possible to predict which exact areas or streets will experience
disruptions. </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><strong><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">Additional zone management
investigations will be carried out to ensure that existing infrastructure is
operating effectively. Pressure fluctuations may be experienced, but every
effort will be made to minimise the impact as far as possible.</font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">This work forms part of the
City’s Water Demand Management Strategy. Managing water pressure more
effectively reduces the possibility of pipe bursts and water wastage.</font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000">The
City sincerely regrets any inconvenience.</font></span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font><p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;"><font color="#000000"> </font></span></p><p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">
</font> </p><table width="100%" class="ms-rteTable-default" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="ms-rteTable-default" style="width:100%;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>What residents need to know about larger-scale planned water supply disruptions:</strong></span></p><ol style="list-style-type:decimal;"><li>Careful consideration has been given to the planning of this work to ensure it is <strong>being done at a time that is least disruptive</strong> to the water supply.</li><li><strong>All sites where water and sanitation repairs and upgrades are conducted</strong> are deemed to be construction sites and, as such, <strong>are off-limits to members of the public.</strong></li><li>Sometimes the <strong>maintenance work can be more complex than anticipated, which means the work could take longer.</strong></li><li>For a short period <strong>after the supply has been restored, the water may be discoloured or look milky.</strong> This is because of trapped air in the pipes. If left to stand in a glass, the appearance will become clear, like normal.</li></ol><p> </p><p>For updates on the maintenance work <strong>(and</strong> <strong>location of tankers</strong> <strong>where applicable)</strong>, follow <strong>@CityofCTAlerts </strong>which is a City of Cape Town <strong>X</strong> account.</p><p> </p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>How residents are advised to prepare for planned water supply disruptions:</strong></span></p><ol style="list-style-type:decimal;"><li><strong>Store enough water in clean, sealed containers in advance</strong> for use during this period.</li><li><strong>Keep your taps closed</strong> to prevent any water loss and/or damage when the water supply is restored.</li></ol><p> </p></td></tr></tbody></table><p><br> </p><p><span style="font-family:"century gothic",sans-serif;font-size:12pt;"><strong><font color="#000000">End</font></strong></span></p><p><br> </p> | 2024-10-24T22:00:00Z | GP0|#1d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70;L0|#01d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70|City news;GTSet|#62efe227-07aa-45e7-944c-ceebacca891d | | | | | GP0|#36a1168d-a508-46b6-bc80-b2e9f2f35a0b;L0|#036a1168d-a508-46b6-bc80-b2e9f2f35a0b|Community and Society;GTSet|#2e3de6c1-9951-4747-8f53-470629a399bb;GP0|#a3ac5825-3464-4e1b-a58b-75c8b257d806;L0|#0a3ac5825-3464-4e1b-a58b-75c8b257d806|water & sanitation;GTSet|#2e3de6c1-9951-4747-8f53-470629a399bb | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | 0 |