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City’s water crisis warning on freeway signs goes live<p>​As from this week, the City has adjusted its water consumption target downwards from 800 million litres to 700 million litres for collective water usage per day. Reducing consumption remains a key intervention during a time of severe drought, as Cape Town is currently experiencing. </p><p>‘It means that if we all use approximately 40% less water every day, compared with what we usually use during unrestricted times, about 1,2 billion litres per day, we will have 135 days left of water. If we save more, we’ll have water for more days. Seasonal changes would also increase the number of days, such as good rainfall and lower evaporation rates of the dams as it becomes cooler.</p><p>‘The current situation is that we have not met the previous target of 800 million litres per day. This is reducing the actual number of days of water that we have left. The closer we stay to and below the new target of 700 million litres per day, the more days of water we will have left. </p><p>‘This message on the signboards is the latest in our myriad attempts to literally drive the message home that we need to reduce consumption now. It is the best contingency measure that we have. </p><p>‘Our signs, indicating how much water we could have left at our current consumption rates are a stern call to action. Although we thank all of our great water ambassadors out there, we need all residents, businesses and government spheres to heed this call. There now really is no escaping the message,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Informal Settlements, Water and Waste Services; and Energy, Councillor Xanthea Limberg. </p><p>Dam levels as at 13 February 2017 were at 36,2%. With the last 10% of a dam’s water not being useable, dam levels are effectively at approximately 26,2%. </p><p>Cape Town is in a water-scarce region and at all times, but especially during this water crisis, we need to use water sparingly. </p><p>While the City’s regular enforcement blitzes continue, the City’s Executive Mayor, Patricia de Lille, has also started to visit some high water consumers. If their consumption is not lowered immediately, measures will be taken to force consumption downwards. </p><p>From next week, the City’s area-based mayoral committee members will be following Mayor De Lille’s example and visiting the properties of high consumers personally. </p><p>As of Monday 20 February 2017, the identities of all customers who pay admission-of-guilt fines or who appear in court regarding contravention of Level 3B water restrictions will be made public by the City of Cape Town. </p><p>Meanwhile, Mayor De Lille and the Executive Deputy Mayor, Alderman Ian Neilson, continue to call businesses, hotels and government departments to engage with them about their water consumption. </p><p>Residents can contact the City via email to <a href=""></a> for queries or to report contraventions (evidence should be provided to assist the City’s enforcement efforts) or they can send an SMS to 31373.</p><p>For further information, residents should please visit the water restrictions page on the City’s website: <a href=""></a></p><p><br><strong>End</strong></p>2017-02-18T22:00:00ZGP0|#1d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70;L0|#01d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70|City news;GTSet|#62efe227-07aa-45e7-944c-ceebacca891dGP0|#061fdfd1-fd59-4160-bea7-c0dcf4e6ec33;L0|#0061fdfd1-fd59-4160-bea7-c0dcf4e6ec33|electronic freeway signboards;GTSet|#2e3de6c1-9951-4747-8f53-470629a399bb;GP0|#b48cb5a4-5d00-41ad-a326-e4d8f01b005e;L0|#0b48cb5a4-5d00-41ad-a326-e4d8f01b005e|Water crises;GP0|#b146acf4-ba31-4514-b636-9db68c19bf35;L0|#0b146acf4-ba31-4514-b636-9db68c19bf35|Water blitz1

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