City’s Erf 8448 housing project making steady progress | City’s Erf 8448 housing project making steady progress | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <p>The City’s Gugulethu Infill affordable housing project is making steady progress. The project stretches over two sites, Erf 8448 in Gugulethu and Mau Mau in Nyanga. Today, 24 August 2022, Mayoral Committee Member for Human Settlements, Councillor Malusi Booi provided feedback on the progress of Erf 8448 to Subcouncil 13.<br></p> | <div>Erf 8448 will see a total of 570 units constructed, including electrical reticulation, public lighting and sidewalks, at a cost of R 105 million. Another 434 units are under construction at the Mau Mau site (Erf 2849 Nyanga), which will bring the project total to 1004 units. <br></div><div><br></div><div><span>
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<img src="" class="responsive" alt="" style="width:1069px;" /> </figure></span>'Work is progressing well on site. The contractor has committed that the first 23 units will be ready for handover in the next few days. Security and the threat of unlawful occupations are two major challenges on Erf 8448. In order to address these concerns, the City has appointed additional security.</div><div><br></div><div>'Our teams are doing everything they can to ensure that units currently in progress are completed by the end of this year. If all goes according to plan, the Gugulethu Infill housing project should be completed by September 2023. We thank the beneficiaries, the community and the various stakeholders for working with us and for their ongoing support,’ said Councillor Booi.</div><div><br></div><div>Beneficiaries of all City housing projects are selected in accordance with the City’s Housing Allocation Policy and the City’s Housing Needs Register to ensure that housing opportunities are made available in a fair and transparent manner that prevents queue jumping and to those who qualify for housing as per the South African legislation.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Anonymous tip offs are welcome:</strong></div><div>Residents can give anonymous tip offs if they are aware of illegal activity that is taking place; that has happened or is still to happen. Please call 112 from a cellphone (toll free) and 107 from a landline or 021 480 7700 for emergencies.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><strong>End</strong><br></div><p><br></p> | 2022-08-23T22:00:00Z | GP0|#1d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70;L0|#01d539e44-7c8c-4646-887d-386dc1d95d70|City news;GTSet|#62efe227-07aa-45e7-944c-ceebacca891d | | | | | GP0|#0d8b7293-a214-43fa-80da-d843dd6f8e82;L0|#00d8b7293-a214-43fa-80da-d843dd6f8e82|human settlements;GTSet|#2e3de6c1-9951-4747-8f53-470629a399bb;GP0|#235f790f-705c-4a8b-9689-35a2152e7476;L0|#0235f790f-705c-4a8b-9689-35a2152e7476|housing projects;GTSet|#2e3de6c1-9951-4747-8f53-470629a399bb | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | 0 |