Support and treatment for domestic violence and abuse | Support and treatment for domestic violence and abuse | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <div class="ExternalClass0527ADFE05D74A44A94CA47AD75D6D14"><p>If you are being abused, you may feel alone and trapped – but there is help at hand.</p></div> | <h2 class="sectHeading">What is domestic violence?</h2><p>Domestic violence usually happens in the home and involves the abuse of a partner, spouse, child, elderly relative or other vulnerable person. Abuse is often about someone wanting to have power and control over another person and can take many forms - including physical, verbal, emotional and economic abuse.</p><h4>The following are some examples of domestic abuse:</h4><ul><li>Hitting</li><li>Pushing</li><li>Rape<br></li><li>Blackmail</li><li>Intimidation</li><li>Harassment</li><li>Yelling</li><li>Threats (verbal or physical)</li><li>Financial - taking or withholding money </li></ul><p>Being abused can have devastating long-term effects, not just on the person being abused, but on those around them too. For example, children who witness domestic violence may see violence as normal and become violent themselves when they grow up. Like the person being abused, they may also suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, anger and low self-esteem.</p><h2 class="sectHeading">What to do if you are being abused</h2><h4>You have several options:</h4><ul><li>Contact a support group.</li><li>Seek refuge at a shelter.<br></li><li>Report your abuser to the police.</li><li>Contact the City on
<a>021 480 7700</a></em> and report the situation.</li></ul><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Please note</h4><p>If you or someone you know is being abused, call the Public Emergency Communications Centre (PECC) on
<a>021 480 7700</a></em>. Alternatively, send a message to
<a href="" target="_blank">@pecc107<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> </strong>on Twitter.</p></div></div><p>There are shelters throughout the City where you will get the help and support you need to leave an abusive relationship. Find a list of shelters in your area in our
<a href="" target="_blank">Domestic Violence Affects Everyone Pamphlet</a>.</p><div class="notification with-heading white-copy yellow bg-darker-grey"><div class="graphic">
<i class="info citycard"></i></div><div class="desc"><h4>City Connect</h4><p>
<a href="">Join the Strengthening Families Programme</a></p><p>
<a href="">Report domestic abuse</a></p><p>
<a href="">Report child abuse</a></p><p>
<a href="">Report abuse of the elderly</a></p><p>
<a href="">Report abuse of vulnerable persons</a></p><p>
<a href="">Report drug abuse</a></p></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Strengthening Families Programme</h2><p>At the City, we take a strong position on domestic abuse. Our <a href="">Community, Arts and Culture Development Department</a> runs a successful <a href="">Strengthening Families Programme</a> to build strong, unified families by teaching people how to interact and communicate, and how to deal with conflict in a healthy way rather than turn to domestic violence.</p><p>The project runs for eight weeks and is internationally recognised to reduce problem behaviour such as delinquency and substance abuse in children, and improve school performance and parenting. </p><p>The City has introduced recreational family events in the areas where the projects have been run. These events aim to create a place where families can spend time together.</p><h2 class="sectHeading">Creating awareness</h2><p>One way we tackle domestic abuse and violence is to create awareness in our society. All over the world, government, civic organisations and businesses mark 16 days to campaign against abuse and to focus on support for victims.</p><p>The 16 days of Activism campaign begins on 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10 December (International Human Rights Day). Universal Children’s Day and World Aids Day also fall during the 16-day period.<br></p>
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<figcaption class="image-slide-text" style="display:none;">
<b><a href="" title="My First Joke - #16DaysOfActivism" target="_blank">My First Joke - #16DaysOfActivism</a>
<i class="icon link-external"></i></b> </p> </figcaption> </figure>
<figure class="itemSlide slide-left slide-2"><img src="" class="responsive" alt="" style="display:none;" /><figcaption class="image-slide-text" style="display:none;">
<a href="" title="My First Catcall - #16DaysOfActivism" target="_blank">
<b>My First Catcall - #16DaysOfActivism</b></a>
<i class="icon link-external"></i> </p> </figcaption> </figure>
<figure class="itemSlide slide-left slide-3">
<img src="" class="responsive" alt="" style="display:none;" />
<figcaption class="image-slide-text" style="display:none;">
<a href="" title="My First Touch - #16DaysOfActivism" target="_blank"><b>My First Touch - #16DaysOfActivism</b></a>
<i class="icon link-external"></i> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div><div class="image-gallery-control"><div class="image-gallery-caption"><p>16 Days of Activism</p></div><div class="image-gallery-nav"><div class="nav-info">1 of 3</div><div class="slide-next">
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<p>Women’s Day is another international event which dedicates a day to celebrating women. It takes place on 9 August.</p><p>We’re committed to making domestic violence a focus throughout the year. We realise that creating awareness is not enough to curb gender violence. Women need to be empowered so that they’re involved in decision-making and enjoy greater economic freedom, as this will lead to lower levels of violence. </p><h2 class="sectHeading">Useful contacts</h2><h4>Emergency Call Centre</h4><p>
<em>Telephone</em>:<br><em><a>021 480 7700</a></em><br> <br><em><a href="" target="_blank">View a list of support organisations </a>that can assist with domestic violence.</em></p> | | GP0|#43d411f0-b157-4b6b-8d4c-00f2bc799701;L0|#043d411f0-b157-4b6b-8d4c-00f2bc799701|Support and treatment for domestic violence and abuse;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#0a7a652a-a000-4e92-b440-c56f14fe2be1;GPP|#df0a3405-0ca1-4617-8047-15a034219fee;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711;GP0|#2567dd22-1033-4cbd-a859-b16fa328112d;L0|#02567dd22-1033-4cbd-a859-b16fa328112d|Support and treatment for domestic violence and abuse;GPP|#efa62315-f7b4-4cf5-8d1b-b074b98de032;GPP|#36dcb5fe-6bfc-4ae9-92d7-8bd08d1f6414;GPP|#af370586-9ba3-404a-9d6e-02066ca42752 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | How City departments have joined forces to try to end the cycle of abuse that affects our women and children. | 0 |