Electricity safety in the home | Electricity safety in the home | | <img alt="" src="https://resource.capetown.gov.za/cityassets/PublishingImages/Electricity%20safey%20in%20the%20home%20Header.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <div class="ExternalClass2ACDF4E774F743FFAC68315C41ADBEB6"><p>Electrical shocks can kill. We have to make sure that we use electricity safely, especially after outages or when small children are in the house.</p></div> | <h2 class="sectHeading">Someone has been seriously shocked </h2><p>Learn how to help someone who has been shocked and get wise to basic electricity safety.</p><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info remember"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Remember</h4><p>For emergencies call Emergency Services immediately
<em>107</em> </strong>from a landline, or
<a>021 480 7700</a></em> from a cellphone</p></div></div><p>Even when someone has suffered a serious electrical shock, the after effects are generally not serious. Either way, your quick response will help them – follow these steps if someone has been seriously shocked.</p><p>
<b>Someone is being shocked:</b> </p><ul><li>Disconnect the main switch: if this cannot be done, and only if possible, disconnect the electricity at the wall plug where the appliance is connected.</li><li>If the electricity cannot be disconnected, do not touch the victim as you will be electrocuted as well. Rather take hold of his or her clothing and drag the person from the point of electrical contact.</li><li>If the person’s clothing is wet, protect yourself with dry rubber gloves or dry newspapers or plastic. A wooden/plastic broom handle also works well.</li><li>Push the victim away from the source of electricity with a non-conducting object like a broom or a chair (wood/plastic). Do not touch any metal objects.</li></ul><p>
<b>After the shock:</b> </p><ul><li>If another person is available, ask him or her to call an ambulance.</li><li>Check the victim’s breathing: has it stopped? Is it irregular? </li><li>Check for a pulse.</li><li>Attempt heart massage/artificial ventilation to restore spontaneous heart/breathing functions. If you do not know how to do this, then ask if anyone else does.</li></ul><p>
<b>The person is unconscious but still breathing:</b> </p><ul><li>Call an ambulance immediately or take them to a doctor as soon as possible.</li></ul><p>
<b>The person has sustained injuries:</b> </p><ul><li>Treat any injuries that may have been caused by the victim falling.</li><li>Do not smear ointment on any burn. Protect the burns from the air with clean bandages.</li></ul><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info toptip"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Top tip</h4><p>Consult a doctor even if the person has no obvious injuries or insist that they are ok; a person who has lost consciousness must be kept under observation for at least 24 hours. You can either go to a doctor or you can visit a free
<a href="https://www.capetown.gov.za/Family%20and%20home/See-all-City-facilities/Our-service-facilities/Clinics%20and%20healthcare%20facilities" target="_blank">City clinic</a>.</p></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Electrical safety tips</h2><p>
<b>These basic tips will make your home electrically safe and sound:</b> </p><ul><li>Replace worn and frayed electrical cords immediately.</li><li>Keep cords away from stoves or hot and abrasive surfaces.</li><li>Electrical cords should be routed so that you don’t have to walk over them.</li><li>Do not route electrical cords under carpets.</li><li>Never disconnect a plug by pulling at the cord. Make sure the switch is in the “off” position before disconnecting the plug at the wall.</li><li>Never use electrical appliances in the bathroom.</li><li>Never connect electrical appliances to light sockets.</li><li>Do not connect too many plugs to one socket.</li><li>Do not touch metal objects like taps, refrigerators or stoves while holding an electrical appliance.</li><li>Do not fill electric kettles while they are connected to the power plug.</li><li>Do not operate an electrical mower while touching a garden hose or tap.</li><li>Always comply with the equipment manufacturer’s prescribed safety precautions.</li><li>Follow the golden rule: always disconnect the power supply at the main switch when electrical appliances are repaired.</li><li>All household appliances must be earthed wherever possible.</li><li>Test your earth leakage unit regularly by depressing the test button.</li><li>Do not operate the washing machine when you are barefoot. Place a rubber strip in front of the washing machine or wear shoes with rubber soles when operating the washing machine.</li><li>Do not attempt to take something out of a toaster with a metal utensil while the supply is switched on.</li><li>Do not overload a wall plug with appliances – it can cause overheating and a fire.</li><li>Do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands and do not attempt to switch on a wall plug while washing dishes.</li><li>Regularly check all appliances for secure leads and proper earthing – rather replace a worn lead than try and fix it.</li><li>If fuses are used, ensure that the correct rating is installed when replacing a blown fuse.</li><li>Do not pass electric cords from one room to another through hinges of doors or windows where they can be crushed and damaged.</li><li>Always isolate the supply when attempting repairs on electrical equipment – remove the plug and put it next to you; this will prevent someone accidentally switching it on which could really hurt you.</li><li>All electrical repairs or extensions to an existing installation must be carried out by a qualified person. </li><li>If you have children in the house, install dummy plugs. This will stop children from putting their fingers or objects into the wall plug.</li><li>Never try to put out a fire caused by a faulty electrical appliance by throwing water on it while the power is still on – first unplug the appliance or switch off the power at the main switch, and use a dry, chemical fire extinguisher.</li><li>Electrical tools (drills, extension leads, etc.) must be in good condition when used.</li><li>An extension lead socket outlet must not be placed on a wet surface. Choose the correct size lead with an appropriate length for the job.</li><li>A coiled lead forms an electrical field (heat) around the lead – rather uncoil the lead totally before it is used.</li><li>Do not wash electrical equipment with water. Switch the appliance off, remove the plug and wipe it off with a dry rag.</li></ul><h2 class="sectHeading">Electrical safety in the garden </h2><p>
<strong>Don't forget about electricity usage in your garden:</strong></p><ul><li>Electric lawnmowers should be handled with care. Do not mow the lawn while it is wet.</li><li>Wear shoes with rubber soles when mowing the lawn.</li><li>If the cord gets cut accidentally, or if the cord of your lawnmower or edge trimmer is entangled in the blades, do not touch the equipment. Switch off and remove the plug from the socket before working on the machine.</li><li>Weed eaters should only be used in dry conditions. Do not tug on the lead while on if it is stuck.</li></ul><h2 class="sectHeading">Safety with power outages </h2><p>
<b>Before an outage:</b> </p><ul><li>Make sure that your cellphone’s battery is fully charged at all times. When the landline connection is interrupted due to a power outage, you will need your cellphone to reach the outside world.</li><li>Make sure you have enough fuel in your vehicle – pumps at petrol stations cannot be used during power outages.</li><li>The same goes for ATMs – so store some cash in a safe place at home.</li><li>Release automatic electric garage door mechanisms and switch electric security gates to manual operation – this way you will be able to get into (and out of) your home.</li><li>Release automatic electric garage door mechanisms and switch electric security gates to manual operation – this way you will be able to get into (and out of) your home.</li><li>Make sure you have torches, batteries, candles and matches, and put them somewhere where they can be easily found in the dark. It is a good idea to keep a torch (with fresh batteries) by your bedside at all times.</li><li>Invest in a small LP gas lamp; they provide good quality lighting for a large area.</li><li>Invest in a gas heating ring for essential cooking.</li><li>If you are warned about a pre-scheduled power interruption (such as load-shedding or a planned maintenance outage), boil water and keep in a thermos flask for hot drinks; and prepare meals beforehand and use thermal covers, if you have them, to keep the food warm.</li><li>If you have a fireplace, make sure that you have enough wood or charcoal for a fire. If not, invest in a gas heater – not only will this help during an outage but gas heaters are more effective than electrical heaters, in general.</li></ul><p>
<b>During an outage:</b></p><ul><li>It is best to make sure that all lights and appliances are switched off and, where applicable, unplugged. You won’t get a fright when the power returns, and this will protect your appliances from possible power surges while supply is being restored.</li><li>We recommend leaving a single light switch in the “on” position to alert you when the power returns.</li><li>Have snacks available that do not need refrigeration.</li><li>Don’t open the fridge door during a power outage as this will allow the cold air to escape. If you keep the door closed, a power outage of up to four hours need not spoil your food in the fridge.</li><li>Your freezer should keep frozen food safe for at least a day.</li><li>From a security point of view, make sure all doors and windows are locked should your alarm system not have a back-up power supply.</li></ul><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info toptip"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Top tip</h4><p>During an outage, electrical entertainment like television, radio and computer games will not be available. Be prepared to keep the family occupied with books, conversation or games.</p></div></div><p>
<b>After an outage:</b></p><ul><li>Once the power had been restored, do not switch all your appliances on at once as the power supply might still be slightly unstable. Only switch on those you need immediately.</li><li>It is a good idea to switch appliances on and off systematically to make sure that no damage was caused by the power interruption and that the equipment is in good working order.</li><li>Remember to reset electronic clocks, especially your bedside alarm, and other timers that could have been disturbed, such as the pool pump or sprinkler system.</li></ul><p>Find out more about what causes
<a href="https://www.capetown.gov.za/Family%20and%20home/Residential-utility-services/Residential-electricity-services/Load-shedding-and-outages" target="_blank"> load-shedding and outages.</a></p> | | GP0|#5075f25f-959d-48df-b536-95a90d994975;L0|#05075f25f-959d-48df-b536-95a90d994975|Electricity safety in the home;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#4fd38f14-3493-49a2-ac32-47bb5287df33;GPP|#df0a3405-0ca1-4617-8047-15a034219fee;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Electrical shocks can kill. Make sure you use electricity safely, especially after outages or when small children are at home | |