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Water and sanitation rebates and concessionsWater and sanitation rebates and concessions<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClass26547152892D4918869319D0DF94911C"><p>​Safe water and sanitation are the basics of a healthy society. This is why we offer a free basic allocation to Cape Town’s indigent residents. In most cases it is an automatic process, but some residents may need to apply. ​​Find out if you are eligible and how you can apply.</p></div><h2 class="sectHeading">​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Free basic water and sanitation</h2><p>Every indigent household in Cape Town receives their first 6 000 litres (6 kl) of water and 4 200 litres (4,2 kl) of sewage per month free of charge. Vulnerable groups and social or community organisations who meet the criteria may also be eligible for a free water and sanitation allocation.</p><p>Once you have used up your free basic allocation, you will be charged according to the <a href="">tariff system​</a>.</p> <span> <div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border"> <i class="info toptip">​​​</i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Top tip</h4><p>During <a href=""> water restrictions​</a>, water usage may become more expensive unless you take steps to save water in your home. However, your free water and sanitation allocations will not be affected.</p></div></div></span><span> <h2 class="sectHeading">​​​​​​​​​​Apply for free water and sanitation</h2></span><span> <div class="mobile-scroll"><table style="width:565px;height:1127px;"> <caption><strong>​How to get your free basic water and sanitation allocation – domestic</strong></caption> <thead><tr><th style="width:194px;">Type of user</th><th style="width:92px;">Basic allocation per residence per month</th><th style="width:148px;">Application process</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style="width:194px;">Registered indigent households in stand-alone residences <br>(Domestic full indigent tariff category)</td><td style="width:92px;">6 kl water and 4,2 kl sanitation</td><td style="width:148px;">Automatic. No need to apply.</td></tr><tr><td style="width:194px;">Registered indigent households in cluster residences (flats, cluster developments, multi-residential dwellings and sectional title units) <br>(Domestic cluster indigent tariff category)</td><td style="width:92px;">6 kl water and 4,2 kl sanitation</td><td style="width:148px;">Application is subject to the approval of indigency of the full development. <br> <br>Find out about <a href="">Indigent benefits</a>.<br><br><a href="">Apply for free water and sanitation for flats and complexes</a>.</td></tr><tr><td style="width:194px;">Old age homes</td><td style="width:92px;">0,75 kl water and 0,525 kl sanitation per person.</td><td style="width:148px;"> For more information, see the <a href="">commercial water and sanitation concessions and rebates</a> section. <br><br> <a href="">Apply for free basic water and sanitation for old age homes and shelters</a>. </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" style="width:194px;height:212px;">​Shelters for street people / Homes for the mentally or physically challenged</td><td rowspan="1" style="width:92px;height:212px;">​0,75 kl water and 0,525 kl sanitation per person</td><td rowspan="1" style="width:148px;height:212px;"> ​For more information, see the <a href="">commercial water and sanitation concessions and rebates</a> section<br><br><a href="">Apply for free basic water and sanitation for old age homes and shelters</a>. </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" style="width:194px;">​Indigent households (indigent support)</td><td rowspan="1" style="width:92px;">​An additional 4,5 kl free water and 3,15 kl free sanitation</td><td rowspan="1" style="width:148px;"> ​For more information, see the section on <a href="">applying for indigent support or rates relief</a>.</td></tr></tbody></table> <br> <table style="width:570px;"> <caption><strong>​How to get your free water and sanitation allocation – vulnerable groups and community organisations</strong></caption> <thead><tr><th style="width:250px;">Type of user</th><th>Allocation per month</th><th>Application process</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style="width:250px;height:114px;">Shelters for street people / Homes for the mentally or physically challenged</td><td style="height:114px;">0,75 kl water and 0,525 kl sanitation per person</td><td style="height:114px;"> <span class="ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-0"><a href="">Apply for free basic water and sanitation for homeless shelters or homes for the physically or mentally disabled</a></span></td></tr><tr><td style="width:250px;"> Homes for the elderly (“old-age homes”)</td><td> 0,75 kl water and 0,525 kl sanitation per person</td><td> <a href="">Apply for free basic water and sanitation for old age homes</a></td></tr><tr><td style="width:250px;height:142px;"> Subsistence farmers and organisations growing food for vulnerable groups. This extends to organisations, with food gardens, including orphanages, soup kitchens at schools, indigent old age homes, HIV/AIDS facilities, and facilities caring for women.</td><td style="height:142px;"> 10 kl of water; there is corresponding free allocation for sanitation</td><td style="height:142px;"> <a href="">Apply for a free water allocation for subsistence farmers and vulnerable groups</a>​</td></tr></tbody></table></div>​​​</span><br> <p>You can also contact the City’s call centre on <em> <a>0860 103 089</a></em> or visit your nearest <a href="">Walk-in Centre​</a> for further information. </p> <span> <div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border"> <i class="info note">​​​</i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Please note</h4><p> <b></b>Your monthly free water and sanitation allocation is based on an “average month” (365 days divided by 12, except leap years), which do not always match the period being billed for. Some City of Cape Town billing periods are longer, while others are shorter.</p></div></div></span> <p>During the longer billing periods, you might receive slightly more than your 6 kl allocation, while during shorter billing periods you might receive slightly less than your 6 kl allocation. However, you will never lose out on your water allocation – if you receive a smaller allocation during the shorter periods, we make up for it by giving you a larger allocation during the longer periods.​​​​</p> <span> <h2 class="sectHeading">​​​​​​​​​​Underground leaks </h2></span> <p>If you have received a large water bill and suspect that it may be due to an underground or hidden leak on your property, you can apply for a rebate on your account.</p><p>Before you contact us, you will need to verify that you have an underground leak. <a href="" target="_blank">Conduct a self-test on your water meter </a>to check if your property has a leak. </p><p>If you confirm a leak, take action! </p><p>The rebate will only cover three billing months of the leak occurring. Therefore, you must contact a plumber to repair your leak immediately. If a plumber confirms and fixes the underground leak, you can then apply for a rebate on your account.    </p><p>The rebate may be extended to a period longer than three billing months if you were unware of the leak due to the City estimating your water usage. </p> <span> <div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border"> <i class="info note">​​​</i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Please note</h4><p>Underground leaks do not include leaks due to stolen taps, defective toilets, overflowing geysers, as well as leaks on fixtures such as irrigation systems, automatic filling systems to ponds, pools, fountains and similar fixtures. For more information, see <a href="" target="_blank">section 2.29 of the Tariff Policy</a>.</p></div></div></span><span> <h2 class="sectHeading">Apply for a rebate​​​​​​​</h2></span> <p>Submit the following documents to <a href=""> <em></em></a>.</p> <span> <div class="lrg-icon-content bordered"><div class="lrg-icon lrg-check"><h4>Document checklist:</h4><ul><li>A completed <a href="" target="_blank">application form</a></li><li>Copy of the registered home owner’s identity document (ID). If a trust owns the property, supply the ID of the person responsible for the trust.</li><li>Plumbers report/invoice from a plumber detailing: date of repair, location of leak, nature of leak, description of repairs </li></ul></div></div></span><br> <p>Once you have submitted the necessary documents, we will investigate and send a water inspector to verify the leak and the repair. Thereafter you may receive a rebate on your municipal account.</p><h4>Remember:</h4><ul><li>Only one rebate, per owner, per property is allowed. If you discover another underground leak on your property at any other time, you will not be able to apply for a rebate.</li><li>The rebate is subject to a water inspector verifying the leak and repair.</li><li>Rebates are not awarded for 100% of the cost of the leaked water. They are only awarded for half (50%) of the cost of the leaked water, over three months of actual billing. For more information on how this is calculated, refer to the <a href="">Tariff Policy</a>.</li></ul> <span> <h2 class="sectHeading">​​​​​​​​​​Who qualifies for a rebate?</h2></span> <h4>Rebates apply to:</h4><ul><li>domestic customers;</li><li>schools;</li><li>churches;</li><li>charities;</li><li>homeless shelters;</li><li>homes catering for the health of physically/mentally challenged individuals;</li><li>old age homes;</li><li>vulnerable groups.</li></ul><h4>Rebates do not apply to:</h4><ul><li>commercial properties;</li><li>industries;</li><li>those billed under the miscellaneous tariff.</li></ul> <span> <h2 class="sectHeading">​​​​​​​​​​Contact us​​​​​​​</h2></span> <p>For more information, contact:</p><h4>City Call Centre</h4><p> <em>Telephone:</em><br><em><a>0860 103 089</a></em></p>GP0|#2cfb8419-2d22-493d-ad16-063cd77745d5;L0|#02cfb8419-2d22-493d-ad16-063cd77745d5|Water and sanitation rebates and concessions;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#b7d85630-8bda-4b28-adc9-6def4cb10e31;GPP|#a3964d56-b74d-4d64-95c1-ff381a88a277;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711;GP0|#71dcbedc-e5e9-4ee3-abe5-817362c4536d;L0|#071dcbedc-e5e9-4ee3-abe5-817362c4536d|Water and sanitation rebates and concessions;GPP|#dc7d603c-ae6b-49eb-8ff7-8f48e6169510;GPP|#99fac000-f3ac-4774-9ffd-e5e59a130e21;GPP|#e88ff549-973f-4e3c-a46c-cfbe61bd6a24Find out if you are eligible for a concession or rebate on your water and sanitation account.



Rebate Request Underground Water Leak Application FormRebate Request Underground Water Leak Application Form3186583GP0|#f0b069a9-84bd-4629-943b-3e3dfa0685a7;L0|#0f0b069a9-84bd-4629-943b-3e3dfa0685a7|Application form;GTSet|#f1e8889f-f7d7-4d5b-a3f5-af0ca2e076ea;GPP|#3a03f9b9-d2e9-49b1-92e1-37b654747f82;GPP|#0972c695-fd19-46c4-ab5d-9601f17b780e2024-07-17T22:00:00Z
Tariff PoliciesTariff Policies2421361GP0|#ecf0e702-25db-4c12-bbc2-be85db2304fd;L0|#0ecf0e702-25db-4c12-bbc2-be85db2304fd|Policy;GTSet|#f1e8889f-f7d7-4d5b-a3f5-af0ca2e076ea;GPP|#2d2209ac-5bcc-4d2a-9da9-05fb21c94ea1;GPP|#0972c695-fd19-46c4-ab5d-9601f17b780e2024-05-31T10:00:00Z



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