General and supplementary valuations | General and supplementary valuations | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <div class="ExternalClass3DD8513EDA494C6BB88873838036E47D"><p>The
<a href="" id="gv2022-0" class="gv2022-0" target="_blank">General Valuation Roll (GVR)<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> is a document containing the municipal valuations of all the registered properties within the boundaries of the City of Cape Town and is used to calculate the rates that property owners are required to pay. You are able to object to your property valuation during the objection period.<br></p></div> | <h2 class="sectHeading">About general valuations</h2>
<div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION ACT (POPIA)</h4><p>The City respects your privacy rights and therefore aims to ensure that we comply with the legal requirements of the POPI Act.<br></p></div></div></span>
<p>The GVR gives the market value of a property on a certain date. It applies to all properties in Cape Town and is used to calculate the monthly rates that property owners are required to pay for general services such as street lighting, parks, libraries and fire services.</p>
<div class="infographic bg-font-adjust-bg">
<figure><img class="responsive" alt="placeholder" src="" /></figure><figcaption>
<span class="infoGraphicSpan">GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTRY VALUATIONS</span><br><strong>FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS</strong></p>
<a title="title" class="btn dark-blue" href="" target="_blank"><i class="icon download"></i>Download PDF</a> </figcaption> </div></span>
<p>The City is legally required to produce a GVR at least once every four years. <br></p><p>The municipal valuer, is responsible for producing the GVR and is assisted
<a href="" target="_blank">by professional valuers, statistical analysts, data collectors, and support staff</a>.</p><p>Together, they collect and review property sales and data that take place around the date of valuation and generate a valuation using the Computer-assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) system.</p><p>To ensure fairness and measurement against international best practice, the GVR is routinely subjected to independent scrutiny and review. <br></p><h2 class="sectHeading">General Valuation Roll for 2022 (GV2022)</h2><ul><li>View the
<a href="" target="_blank" id="gv2022-4">GV2022 Roll<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> online.</li><li>The 2022 General Valuation Roll (GV2022) was certified on 31 January 2023. </li><li>All properties on the
<a href="" target="_blank" id="gv2022-4">GV2022 Roll<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> are representative of market value as at 1 July 2022. <br></li></ul>
<div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>objection period closed<br></h4><p> The GV2022 objection period closed on 30 April 2023.
<br>The SV01/GV2022 objection period closed on 30 August 2024.<br>No late objections will be accepted.</p></div></div></span>
<p>The City is currently working to resolve all outstanding legislated disputes.<br></p><p>If you lodged a dispute against the valuation of your property, you will receive a decision notice from the City advising you of the dispute decision. <br></p><p>You are urged to continue paying the rates on the current valuation of your property until your dispute is resolved. </p><p>If you missed the GV2022 objection period but still wish to dispute the value of your property, you may request for the property to be revalued in a Supplementary Valuation. Please contact
<a href=""></a> for more information on the Revaluation Register Process. </p><h2 class="sectHeading">Account locks for properties with outstanding disputes</h2><p>Account locks will be inserted for all properties with outstanding disputes. The account lock will prevent debt collection action on the
<a href="">property rates</a> portion of the municipal account while the dispute is under investigation.</p>
<div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info remember"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>payment of municipal rates<br></h4><p> The Account Lock will allow you to make rates payments on the valuation you believe to be correct while your dispute is outstanding, without incurring debt collection action.</p></div></div></span>
<p>Account locks will be removed after the dispute is finalised, and the account will be recalculated based on the dispute decision valuation. </p><p> Following the update of the GV2022 dispute decision valuation on your municipal account, you will be liable for any amounts owing on your municipal account. <br></p><p>Should the finalised dispute result in the City owing you, this will be repaid to you with interest. Should the dispute decision result in an increase in your valuation, or the valuation remains the same, all interest calculated on the arrears will become payable. </p><h2 class="sectHeading">Supplementary Valuation Roll (SVR)<br></h2><p>The City must certify and publish at least one SVR per year.<br></p><p>The SVR contains details of properties that were not included in the last GV Roll, as well as any properties that have been changed.</p><p>According to the amended
<a href="" target="_blank">Local Government Municipal Property Rates Act(Act 6 of 2004)</a> , a property is eligible to be valued in the SVR, if it has:</p><ul><li>been identified as having been previously incorrectly valued;<br></li><li>been incorrectly recorded in the last GVR because of a clerical or typing error;</li><li>been omitted from the valuation roll;</li><li>been recently added to the municipality;</li><li>been subdivided or consolidated;</li><li>changed in category </li><li>had a building plan signed off;</li><li>had a significant increase or decrease in market value since the last GVR;</li></ul><p>If your property is included in an SVR, the City will post two notices to you. </p><p>
<strong>Notice 1</strong> will be posted immediately after the SV valuation is completed, and will inform you of your right to request a review. You will need to email <a href=""></a> to obtain the official review form and return the completed form to the same address.</p><p>
<strong>Notice 2</strong> will be posted to you after the SV Roll is certified. This notice will inform you of your right to object, and outline the process for submitting an objection. You can obtain an official form by emailing
<a href=""></a> and must return the completed form to the same address.<br></p>
<h2 class="sectHeading">Current valuations</h2></span>
<p> There are currently no legislated objection periods underway.</p><p>The First Supplementary Valuation Roll to GV2022 (SV01/GV2022) was certified on the 28 June 2024. The objection period for the SV01/GV2022 roll closed on the 30 August 2024.</p><p>Objectors will be notified in writing of the objection decision, and will be afforded the opportunity to lodge an appeal against the objection decisions with which they disagree. Details about the appeal process will be included in the objection decision notice to be posted to objectors.<br></p>
<h4> Second Supplementary Valuation Roll to GV2022 (SV02/GV2022) </h4><p>Properties that were omitted from the GV2022 or SV01/GV2022 valuation rolls, or that have changed in value since they were last valued are currently being valued in the Second Supplementary Valuation Roll to GV2022 (SV02/GV2022).</p>
<div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>current valuations - SV02/GV2022<br></h4><p> Properties that are currently valued in the SV02/GV2022 valuation roll will have two opportunities to submit a dispute:
<br><br>A review – as soon as the SV notice is received
<br>An Objection – in July 2025 after the SV02/GV2022 roll is certified
<p>Notices will be posted to all properties valued in the SV02/GV2022 roll.</p><h2 class="sectHeading">Contact us</h2><p>
<em>Telephone:<br><a>0860 103 089</a><br><br> Email:<br><a href=""></a></em></p> | | GP0|#40784242-38a1-4aa9-8dd0-fff1d73c9baf;L0|#040784242-38a1-4aa9-8dd0-fff1d73c9baf|General and Supplementary valuations;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#69769c0f-de38-4ab2-87f8-15246e3d673e;GPP|#139d77cd-9754-40dd-be4d-bda95eda1639;GPP|#e88ff549-973f-4e3c-a46c-cfbe61bd6a24;GP0|#2876bebd-7469-46f7-a758-36fa945a30d5;L0|#02876bebd-7469-46f7-a758-36fa945a30d5|General and Supplementary valuations;GPP|#7ecb6610-23ac-4678-b831-567ef11affbd;GPP|#e84b352a-6ba5-4275-b687-8cbfc7420a42;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | General valuations – how they work and affect the rates you pay. | 0 |