City Improvement Districts (CIDs) | City Improvement Districts (CIDs) | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <div class="ExternalClassF3B942CB51F74D1E8141FE6925CFBDB4"><p>Property owners wanting enhanced service delivery in their area have the opportunity to establish a City Improvement District through a partnership with the City of Cape Town. The CID establishment process is done “at risk” as the City does not provide seed capital and cannot guarantee approval.<br></p></div> | <h2 class="sectHeading">What is a CID?<br></h2><p>A CID is a clearly defined geographical area in which property owners pay additional property rates to fund enhanced and supplementary municipal services to improve or upgrade that specific area.
<br></p><h4>Enhanced and supplementary municipal services typically relate to:<span style="color:#424242;font-family:"helvetica neue", helvetica, arial, "lucida grande", sans-serif;"></span></h4><h4>
<span style="color:#424242;font-family:"helvetica neue", helvetica, arial, "lucida grande", sans-serif;"></span>
<span style="color:#444444;font-size:1em;">Pu</span><span style="color:#444444;font-size:1em;">blic safety</span></h4><ul style="list-style-type:circle;"><li>Patrolling (foot, bicycle, vehicles)<br></li><li>Installing and monitoring of CCTV cameras </li><li>Licence Plate Recognition cameras </li><li>Contracting City law enforcement officers<br></li></ul><p></p><h4>
<span class="ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-0">Cleansing services</span></h4><ul style="list-style-type:circle;"><li>Litter picking, additional emptying of public litter bins<br></li><li>Sweeping of sidewalks, removal of graffiti and illegal posters</li></ul><p></p><h4>
<span class="ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-0">Urban maintenance</span></h4><ul style="list-style-type:circle;"><li>Painting road lines, markings and street names</li><li>Fixing potholes, maintaining sidewalks and medians</li><li>Installing or maintain street furniture</li><li>Stormwater drain cleaning</li></ul><p></p><h4>
<span class="ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-0">Environmental development</span></h4><ul style="list-style-type:circle;"><li>Recycling, planting trees, maintaining of street verges</li><li>Maintaining tree wells, installing sidewalk planters</li><li>Maintaining of parks and open spaces</li></ul><p></p><h4>
<span class="ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-0">Social and economic development</span></h4><ul style="list-style-type:circle;"><li>Assisting with destitute people directly or indirectly through an NGO</li><li>Directly and indirectly creating employment opportunities </li><li>Promoting the district as safe, clean and vibrant<br></li></ul><p></p><h2 class="sectHeading">Setting up a CID</h2><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info remember"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Remember</h4><p>A CID is always initiated by the community, and is run by the community for the benefit of the community. </p><p>
</p><p>A CID can be established in residential, business or industrial areas or in areas with a combination of any of the three.
<br></p></div></div><p>Initiators should be property owners from the area who form a steering committee. The steering committee
<strong>MUST</strong> first meet with us before starting the process. This will help create a better understanding of what a CID is and what will be expected of you when you start with the establishment process. The next step will be to define the boundary of the proposed CID and consult with the community on what the needs are for the area and with the local Sub-Council in respect of current City services and level and frequency thereof, before compiling a business plan of how the needs will be addressed. </p><p>At this point the CID Branch will make available the “CID Guidelines", which serves as a source of information on specific City services with various options available to participate in enhanced service delivery. The contact details of the relevant officials is also included to ensure first-hand information can be acquired where needed. It is not mandatory for any CID to participate in enhanced service delivery but does create opportunities for broader collaboration with City departments. <br></p><p>At a public meeting the draft business plan must be presented to the community where the community are allowed to ask questions. After this, the community will have 30 days to submit comments to the steering committee for consideration. A second public meeting must then be arranged to present the final business plan to the community. A further 30 days must be allowed after the second public meeting for additional comments on the final business plan. Should this lead to a material amendment to the final business plan a third public meeting will be required. Following the consultation process on the business plan you will need to obtain a majority percentage of property owners – over 50% for commercial areas, and at least 60% for areas classified as residential – to agree to the business plan and give written consent or object to the establishment, before your steering committee can submit an application to the City.
<br></p><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Please note</h4><p>The application must be received by 31 October if it is to be considered for implementation on 1 July of the following year. Obtaining the required support does not guarantee Council approval.<br></p></div></div><p>Once we have received your application and verified that the application is valid, you must notify the community of the lodging of the application and where the application can be inspected. The application which includes all the comments and objections is then submitted to Council for consideration.<br></p><h2 class="sectHeading">More information</h2><p> Please read our helpful
<a href="" target="_blank">FAQ sheet </a>for more information on how CIDs work. We work strictly according to legislation detailed in the City Improvement District <a href="" target="_blank">By-law</a> and
<a href="" target="_blank">Policy</a>. Please read these documents in depth to ensure you have a proper understanding of the processes involved.</p><h2 class="sectHeading">CIDs in action</h2><p> In Cape Town there are three types of City Improvement Districts:</p><ul><li>Mixed-Use Improvement Districts (Both residential and business property owners pay) </li><li>Business Improvement Districts (Only owners of business properties pay) </li><li>Residential Improvement Districts (Only owners of residential properties pay) </li></ul><h2 class="sectHeading">Approved CIDs<br></h2><p> A list of CIDs and their websites is available from the CID Branch. </p><p></p><h2 class="sectHeading">CID business plans:</h2><p>For existing CID business plans please search under our Agreements and contracts section in our <a href="">document centre</a>.<br></p><h2 class="sectHeading">Contact us<br></h2>
<strong>Queries and consultations<br></strong>
<h4>Joepie Joubert</h4><p>
<em>Telephone:</em><br><a><em>021 400 5138</em></a><br><em> Email: </em><br><a title="title" href=""><em></em></a><em></em></p><p>
<strong>And</strong></p><h4>Marsha Van der Poel<br></h4><p>
<em>Telephone:</em><br><a><em>021 400 3068</em></a><br><em>Email:</em><br>
<a title="title" href=""><em></em></a><em></em></p><p>
<br></p> | | GP0|#9ca82eee-17b2-4a5b-8c2a-e90b6d84b1fc;L0|#09ca82eee-17b2-4a5b-8c2a-e90b6d84b1fc|City Improvement Districts;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#90c8c6be-382d-4946-ba1b-9efcd434ece6;GPP|#e84b352a-6ba5-4275-b687-8cbfc7420a42;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711;GP0|#b2951f5c-32d2-4105-9108-cbc24cc3673a;L0|#0b2951f5c-32d2-4105-9108-cbc24cc3673a|City Improvement Districts;GPP|#5856c7ca-9c78-40ef-8f01-6e2cbd2abe39;GPP|#c85b1e1e-cbb7-4882-809a-b21a1edc3e99;GPP|#e88ff549-973f-4e3c-a46c-cfbe61bd6a24 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The Special Rating Area model is an urban management solution used to improve and upgrade an area through “top up” services. | 0 |