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Ten tips for healthier sexTen tips for healthier sex<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClass402076CE51D74F82AFD154C8132E5DAC"><p>​Although different social groups in our city may have different approaches to sex, we should all agree that sex should be healthy, safe and positive. </p></div><p>By taking responsibility for your sexual life and practising safe sex, you can protect your health and reduce your risk of getting an <a href="">STI (sexually transmit​ted infection)​</a> including <a href="">HIV/AIDS</a>.</p> <span> <h2 class="sectHeading">Ten tips for healthier sex</h2></span> <p>1. Respect your body.</p><p>2. Respect your partner’s body.</p><p>3. Say no if you don't want to have sex.</p><p>4. Have sex in a safe, hygienic and loving environment.</p><p>5. Refuse to engage in risky sexual behaviour (e.g. having sex with many partners, or often getting drunk and being careless about sexual protection).<br></p><p>6. Both you and your partner should get tested for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) before having sex for the first time.</p><p>7. Practise safer sex (e.g. use condoms with someone whose sexual history is unknown to you).</p><p>8. Communicate honestly.</p><p>9. Take charge of your sexual health and make sure you understand issues like:</p><ul><li>how to use a condom;</li><li>birth control;</li><li>emergency contraception;</li><li>protection against STIs; and</li><li>consequences of risky sexual behaviour.</li></ul><p>10. Share your sexual health knowledge with loved ones (e.g. your children) in a way that feels right for you</p>GP0|#0dfb9701-3eb5-4a61-a3e0-c9f3336cfd40;L0|#00dfb9701-3eb5-4a61-a3e0-c9f3336cfd40|Ten tips for healthier sex;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#29d3d5b5-6925-47c8-aa75-e5870bf478ca;GPP|#090e430c-3809-42d5-a80b-caea93b2beaf;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711Sex between two people should be healthy, safe and positive. Here are 10 tips for healthier sex.





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