Help and treatment for an addicted loved one | Help and treatment for an addicted loved one | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <div class="ExternalClassC141EF636A9B4C88A81BF7B3045B37DA"><p>If you know or love someone who is struggling with addiction, we can help. </p>
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<h2 class="sectHeading">Myths about addiction<br></h2>
<p>Successful treatment for addiction begins with knowledge and support. Take some time to understand some of the most common misconceptions about recovery.</p>
<div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info toptip"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Top tip</h4><p>
<b>Get help today:</b> If you need more information on substance abuse, support and treatment centres, call the City of Cape Town’s 24/7 toll-free alcohol and drug helpline on
<a>0800 4357 4 8</a></em> (0800 HELP 4 U).</p></div></div></span> </span>
<b>Myth 1: Addicts simply lack willpower. They could stop using if they really wanted to.</b>
<p>Long-term drug use can affect the part of your brain that is responsible for making decisions and exercising self-control. This, along with withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, sickness, anxiety and depression, makes it hard for addicts to quit by themselves.</p>
<b>Myth 2: Addicts don’t have any morals.</b>
<p>Alcohol and drugs ‘train’ the brain to crave them. Some addicts will go to any length to get their ‘fix’, whether this means lying to their families, getting into a fight or even turning to crime. When people are under the influence, their judgement is also affected and they may take part in high-risk activities such as speeding or unprotected sex. However, punishing them for their immoral or illegal behaviour doesn’t solve their problem. Finding them help to treat their addiction is often the best solution. </p>
<b>Myth 3: There is no harm in trying drugs once, or once more.</b>
<p>Although you’re unlikely to become instantly addicted, the path from experimenting to addiction can be a short one. The best way to make sure you don’t become addicted is to say no to drugs right at the beginning.</p>
<b>Myth 4: Relapse means treatment has failed.</b>
<p>Recovery from alcohol and drug dependency is often a long process and may involve setbacks. As a rule, an ex-addict can never use drugs or alcohol again. Relapse (using alcohol or drugs again) is quite common, though. This does not mean that treatment has failed or that all hope is lost. </p><p>A relapse sometimes tells us that treatment needs to be repeated or that a different approach should be tried. Remember, like many chronic illnesses, addiction can’t be ‘cured’. Once addicted, a person is always an addict, but with the right treatment and support, substance dependency can be managed so that a person enjoys a positive future.</p><h2 class="sectHeading">Getting help </h2><p>There are a number of steps you can take to help a friend or family member who you believe may have a substance abuse problem.</p><h4> Step 1: Speak out</h4><ul><li>Talk to the person and offer your help and support.</li><li>If the person makes excuses or denies that anything is wrong, give specific examples of behaviour that is worrying or upsetting you.</li><li>Do not cover or make excuses for the person. Protecting substance-dependent persons from the negative consequences of their choices may keep them from getting the help they need.</li></ul><h4> Step 2: Contact a professional for advice</h4><ul><li>Option 1: Call
<a>0800 4357 4 8</a></em> (0800 HELP 4 U) – the City of Cape Town’s 24/7 toll-free alcohol and drug helpline.</li><li>Option 2: Visit your nearest
<a href="">social development office</a>; a social worker or psychologist in your area (expect to pay private rates); or the school psychologist if you are a teen.</li><li>Option 3: If you are 18 years or older, you can go directly to one of the
<a href="">City of Cape Town's clinics</a> offering matrix-certified drug and alcohol support programmes or your nearest community-based treatment service, such as SANCA. Call
<a>0800 220 250</a></em> or go through the list of
<a href="" target="_blank">SANCA offices<i class="icon link-external"></i></a>.</li></ul><h4> Step 3: Find the right treatment – what to expect </h4><ul><li>If you called the City of Cape Town’s 24/7 toll-free alcohol and drug helpline, our trained staff will direct you to the most appropriate treatment centre, refer you to counselling services, or answer any other questions you might have. </li><li>A
<a href="">social development office</a> or social worker may conduct a screening (alcohol and drugs) and assessment and offer support and counselling before referring you to the right support group or treatment centre. </li><li>If you go directly to one of the City of Cape Town’s clinics that offer Matrix-certified outpatient programmes, you (or your friend or family member) may be able to enter the outpatient programme immediately after a professional assessment and drug and alcohol screening. To find a Matrix-certified clinic, please select the 'Drug and alcohol outpatient treatment' filter when you are on our
<a href="">clinics page</a>.</li></ul><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i></div><div class="desc"><h4>Please note</h4><p>For certain substances (such as heroin), you may be referred to a detox facility as an inpatient.</p></div></div><h4>Step 4: If your friend or family member refuses help </h4><p>If your friend or relative ignores your attempts to help and has become mentally unstable (for example; experiences hallucinations or delusions) or dangerous (aggressive or abusive), you may need to approach the police for help, or have the person committed (sent to a treatment centre by law).</p><p>See “When someone resists your help” in the
<a href="" target="_blank">Western Cape Department of Social Development’s Substance Abuse Booklet<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> for more information on this process.</p><h4> Step 5: Support your friend or family member during treatment</h4><ul><li>Attend group or family counselling sessions – recovery from substance abuse often requires commitment from the rest of the family too.<br></li><li>Be positive when talking to someone struggling with addiction. Phrases such as ‘one day at a time’ or ‘just focus on staying drug-free today’ can be helpful.</li><li>Encourage the attendance of treatment and meetings, even if it takes a while for the person to feel comfortable there.</li></ul><h4> Step 6: Look after yourself</h4><ul><li>Don’t neglect your own needs. Addiction is hard on everyone involved, not just the person being treated. Look after your health and make sure you have people you can talk to.</li><li>Don’t blame yourself. You cannot control your friend or family member’s decisions. Let the person accept responsibility for his or her actions – this is an important step towards recovery.</li><li>Join a support group for friends and family members of those affected by substance abuse.</li></ul><h2 class="sectHeading">How does treatment work?</h2><p>Firstly, all parties need to be committed to being clean. You can help by remaining strong and steadfast in your support for the person’s recovery and lead by example. </p><p>The person will need an assessment before a social worker or social services professional can help find the right treatment. The table below gives you an idea of the differences between the various types of treatment centres.</p><div class="mobile-scroll"><table><thead><tr><th>Treatment centre</th><th>Type of service offered</th><th>Cost</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>City of Cape Town Matrix-certified sites (based on the Matrix® model)</td><td>Outpatient</td><td>Free</td></tr><tr><td>Government treatment centres</td><td>Inpatient or outpatient</td><td>Free</td></tr><tr><td>Government-subsidised treatment centres</td><td>Inpatient or outpatient</td><td>Some cost involved</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1">Private treatment centres</td><td rowspan="1">Inpatient or outpatient</td><td rowspan="1">Private rates; private medical aid scheme may pay part or all of the bill </td></tr></tbody></table></div><h2 class="sectHeading">City of Cape Town clinics </h2><p>If you are looking for a treatment program for a friend or family member, the City of Cape Town’s Matrix-certified clinics offer free 16-week rehabilitation programmes for people aged 18 and older. The programme is based on the Matrix® model (scroll down to our treatment FAQs section for more information) and consists of three to four sessions a week, which involve the following:</p><ul><li>Counselling sessions with or without family members</li><li>An early recovery group, which focuses on skills that will help an addict stay clean and sober</li><li>A relapse prevention group, which focuses on living without alcohol and drugs</li><li>A family education group, which teaches the addict and the family about the process of recovery</li><li>A social support group, which will involve your friend or family member in regular meetings with others struggling with substance abuse</li></ul><p>Clinics are open Monday to Friday, 08:00 – 16:30. To find a Matrix-certified clinic, please select the 'Drug and alcohol outpatient treatment' filter on our
<a href="">clinics page</a> or download the pamphlet below.</p>
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<span class="infoGraphicSpan">
<strong>SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT</strong></span><br><br>Download the Substance Abuse Treatment Pamphlet.<br></p>
<a href="" title="title" class="btn dark-blue" target="_blank">
<i class="icon download"></i>Download PDF</a></figcaption></div></span><h2 class="sectHeading">Provincial treatment centres</h2><p>For treatment centres registered with the
<a href="" target="_blank">Western Cape Department of Social Development<i class="icon link-external"></i></a>, please see their
<a href="" target="_blank">facilities list. </a>They provide anything from counselling, to inpatient and outpatient services, as well as educational programmes and support groups. </p><h2 class="sectHeading">All registered treatment centres</h2><p>If you are looking for both private and public options, download the full list of all registered treatment centres in Cape Town. You can view and download our <a href="" target="_blank">list of registered treatment centres</a> . </p><h2 class="sectHeading">Support groups</h2><p>Support groups are a wonderful way for addicts to share their recovery journey with others experiencing the same thing. This will help your friend or family member remain on the path to being clean. Your social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist can recommend a support group near you. You can also look through the Western Cape Department of Social Development’s
<a href="" target="_blank">Substance Abuse Booklet<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> or get in touch with any of the following well-known organisations for information on support groups in your area:</p><p>
<b>Al-Anon/Alateen</b><br><a href="" target="_blank">Al-Anon<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> provides a 12-step, self-help programme for families and friends of alcoholics.</p><p>
<b>Alcoholics Anonymous</b><br><a href="" target="_blank">Alcoholics Anonymous<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> provides a 12-step, self-help programme that helps alcoholics achieve sobriety and stay sober. </p><p>
<b>Nar-Anon</b><br><a href="" target="_blank">Nar-Anon<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> offers a 12-step, self-help programme for family and friends of drug addicts who are, or have been, affected by drug abuse.</p><p>
<b>Narcotics Anonymous</b><br><a href="" target="_blank">Narcotics Anonymous<i class="icon link-external"></i></a> offers a 12-step, self-help programme for recovering drug addicts, which includes members helping each other stay clean.</p><h2 class="sectHeading">Treatment FAQs</h2>
<b>Q: What is the difference between inpatient and outpatient treatment?</b>
<p>A: Inpatient treatment means that the drug/alcohol user stays at the clinic during treatment, which can be short-term (two to eight weeks) or long-term (more than 12 weeks). With outpatient treatment, which can also be short-term or long-term, the user visits the centre for regular and intensive treatment sessions. A social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist will recommend the right treatment for you.</p><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info remember"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Remember</h4><p>If you do not have professional help available, call the City of Cape Town’s 24/7 toll-free alcohol and drug helpline on
<em><a>0800 4357 4 8</a></em> (0800 HELP 4 U) and we will advise you.</p></div></div>
<b>Q: How do I know what treatment is right for my friend or family member?</b>
<p>A: After an initial assessment, your social services professional (social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist) will help you find treatment for a friend or family member. </p>
<b>Q: What is the Matrix® model?</b>
<p>A: The City of Cape Town runs a number of Matrix-certified sites. These programmes follow an effective treatment approach designed by the Matrix® Institute in California, USA. The programme involves intensive outpatient treatment for drugs and alcohol, using a combination of 12-step meetings, counselling, learning and support groups to help you stay clean and sober. A positive, collaborative and mutually respectful relationship between the patient and therapist is essential.</p>
<b>Q: How much does treatment for substance abuse cost?</b>
<p>A: This depends on the type of treatment centre. Some government treatment centres are for free, while others are subsidised (meaning you will have to pay part of the bill). If the person has access to medical aid and can afford private treatment, you can also contact one of the registered private treatment centres in your area.</p>
<b>Q: What does treatment for substance abuse involve?</b>
<p>A: Recovery from substance abuse takes time and requires ongoing commitment. The general stages of treatment are 1) screening and assessment of the problem, 2) inpatient or outpatient treatment as well as counselling, and 3) ongoing support and care after treatment has finished (such as support groups).</p>
<b>Q: Can I take someone directly to a treatment centre, hospital or clinic in my area?</b>
<p>A: Government treatment centres require a referral from a social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist. You can however take someone directly to a City clinic or any community-based/outpatient treatment service (such as SANCA).</p><p>You can also go directly to most private treatment centres. If you do this, make sure the centre is registered with the
<a href="" target="_blank">Western Cape Department of Social Development<i class="icon link-external"></i></a>. This way, you know that it meets the treatment standards required by government.</p> | | GP0|#bd9287c1-08e1-4b5f-a833-33f3d0ef9aa9;L0|#0bd9287c1-08e1-4b5f-a833-33f3d0ef9aa9|Help and treatment for an addicted loved one;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#58938866-2da3-46ed-91ed-db2968a790ab;GPP|#063a6668-d6cb-4c45-adaf-f559697b85fd;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711;GP0|#7e556d32-b5fe-4b90-9805-ed796c8286b9;L0|#07e556d32-b5fe-4b90-9805-ed796c8286b9|Help and treatment for an addicted loved one;GPP|#e85039f8-e351-41e6-9f99-64689ae52b08;GPP|#36dcb5fe-6bfc-4ae9-92d7-8bd08d1f6414;GPP|#af370586-9ba3-404a-9d6e-02066ca42752 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The City of Cape Town offers free outpatient treatment for drug and alcohol addiction at its Matrix® sites | 0 |