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Avoiding and treating senior injuriesAvoiding and treating senior injuries<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClassE71CCDD0D38242EE898F5D483555DBFC"><p>The effects of ageing make seniors more vulnerable to serious injuries during the course of their everyd​​ay life. Follow these basic guidelines to help someone you care about avoid harm and help to treat any minor injuries if they occur.</p></div><h2 class="sectHeading">​​​Basic first aid for seniors</h2><p>If someone is hurt, always call for professional help. See our <span lang="EN-GB"> </span><a href="">emergency numbers page </a>for all emergency contact numbers.</p><p> <b>While you are waiting, keep the following tips in mind if you need to provide first aid to a senior:</b></p><ul><ul><li>If a bone is broken, don't reset it – wrap some ice in a bag, wrap the bag in a towel and press gently to the injured area.</li><li>Elevate an injured limb above the heart to reduce bleeding, and place a cloth/bandage on the wound.</li><li>Keep seniors away from extreme weather, as they are more susceptible to sunstroke, sunburn and exposure to heat and cold.</li><li>Treat any senior skin conditions immediately – skin becomes more delicate with age and is prone to cuts.</li></ul></ul><h2 class="sectHeading">Preventing falls in the home </h2><p>Seniors are more vulnerable to falls due to reduced motor skills, coordination, muscle strength and poor eyesight. Medications can also cause dizziness and drops in blood pressure. Falls from low levels shouldn't be underestimated.</p><p><strong>Use the following tips to prevent a senior from tripping and falling:</strong></p><ul><ul><li>Remove raised doorway thresholds, and get rid of throw rugs, clutter, and electrical chords.</li><li>Use non-skid floor wax. </li><li>Wipe up spills immediately.</li><li>Put rubber tips on walkers and canes.</li><li>Clean the bottom of crutches with an abrasive pad/steel wool.</li><li>Add sturdy handrails to stairways (even if there are just a couple of steps).</li><li>If you are in a place where there is ice in winter – sprinkle salt or sand on the outside steps and pavements.</li><li>Encourage your senior to remain active, especially through balance training and stretching, as this can help prevent falling.</li></ul><strong>Slipping in bathrooms happens often but can be easily prevented:</strong> </ul><ul><ul><li>Seniors should climb into the bath or shower using their weaker leg first.</li><li>Seniors should climb out of the bath or shower with their strong side first.</li><li>If possible, install electric chair stair lifts for the frail.</li><li>Install grab handles in bathrooms.</li><li>Place non-skid mats inside and outside your shower or tub, near the toilets and the sink.</li><li>Use a long-handled brush or loofas with straps to aid washing.</li></ul><strong>What should you do if an older person has fallen?</strong> </ul><ul><ul><li>Don't help them up right away – they should remain still.</li><li>If they're unconscious or appear to be suffering a stroke, call an ambulance immediately.</li><li>If there are no broken bones and the person seems able, help your senior to get into a seated position with care.</li><li>Move a chair into close proximity.</li><li>Help them turn onto their side, and from there into a partially seated position.</li><li>From behind, grip the senior's hips and help them into to a kneeling position, using the chair for their support.</li><li>Once kneeling and grasping the chair with both hands, the person should move their stronger leg to get up and onto the chair.</li></ul></ul>GP0|#acca9303-8cbd-4240-86bf-f7fbb7ac5a91;L0|#0acca9303-8cbd-4240-86bf-f7fbb7ac5a91|Avoiding and treating senior injuries;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#a947ad31-e011-494a-9f96-d7b10ee12b2f;GPP|#063a6668-d6cb-4c45-adaf-f559697b85fd;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711Use these tips to prevent senior injuries in the home, and to treat senior injuries if they do occur.





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