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Have your sayHave your say<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClass1E084B33B18F4EB1BF5AE68C41D0ECDA"><p>Capetonians have the right and duty to participate in local government decision-making. ​Communicate with us through items open for public comment. </p></div><span> <h2 class="sectHeading">​​​​​​​​​​​About</h2></span> <p>​​​We publish items for public comment on a regular basis. You can submit your feedback on documents, initiatives and projects that affect you as a resident of Cape Town. </p><h4>Immovable property notices</h4><p>The City advertises the sale, lease or closure of its property in this category. You can object to proposed sale, lease or management agreements, or provide alternative proposals for the use of City-owned property.<br></p><h4>Issues open for public comment</h4><p>If the City intends to enter into a contract or reach a decision that may affect you as a resident, you will find it in this category. Typical adverts displayed in this category include: proposed City projects and tenders, draft policies, by-laws and other City publications, among others. </p><h4>Land use applications</h4><p>Land use applications (also known as Municipal Land Use Notices) are submitted to <a href="">Development Management</a> for assessment. Some building processes or developments may impact adjacent neighbours, the community or the environment. In these cases, the City is required to facilitate public consultation and participation so that potentially interested and affected parties can provide input and comments before a decision is reached. </p><h4>Requests for information</h4><p>This space is used to advertise requests for information. Information and ideas may be sought on any products, technologies or other contributions that could influence existing City infrastructure and data. We are always interested in exploring innovative ways to deliver on our objectives as an organisation. </p><h4>Surveys and submissions</h4><p>If we are conducting a public survey or there is a need for submissions, such as nominations for the Neighbourhood Watch Awards, we advertise it here. You will find the Resilience survey in this category as well as the Open Innovation Platform. We encourage you to participate in the survey and use the platform to submit your innovative ideas to us.<br></p><p>You can view and provide objections, recommendations and input on the items that interest or affect you by following the link below:</p> <span> <div class="notification with-heading white-copy yellow bg-darker-grey"><div class="graphic"> <i class="info citycard">​​</i></div><div class="desc"><h4>City Connect</h4><p> <a href="">Have yo​ur say​</a></p></div></div></span>GP0|#c2700ed5-31e8-4d69-9b6b-ba69a2ec611f;L0|#0c2700ed5-31e8-4d69-9b6b-ba69a2ec611f|Have your say;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#91fa9e76-1a04-4a62-b784-d6e2f4b854c1;GPP|#a7bec65e-58d7-4b23-812f-85fb439d45a1;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711;GP0|#912f8668-1ed9-4d6b-9dfb-547e45a8cb37;L0|#0912f8668-1ed9-4d6b-9dfb-547e45a8cb37|Have your say;GPP|#7be56b1b-559e-4f74-b0b9-4e83eb5c9453;GPP|#4a553a67-2cba-4911-9745-a724e38b645a;GPP|#af370586-9ba3-404a-9d6e-02066ca42752;GP0|#9203317a-2ec5-4b77-943d-3a4085e80d57;L0|#09203317a-2ec5-4b77-943d-3a4085e80d57|Have your say;GPP|#4bb3a124-88fc-48b9-ad0e-09ee601aa03a;GPP|#10ff877c-4646-4edf-a2ca-0c23546db58c;GPP|#e88ff549-973f-4e3c-a46c-cfbe61bd6a24Give feedback on documents, initiatives and projects that affect you as a resident of Cape Town0





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