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Rondebosch Common Conservation AreaRondebosch Common Conservation Area<p>​Rondebosch Common has a long history as an open space for public use. This valuable 40 hectare block lies in a built-up area surrounded by established homes, schools and hospitals. The area supports a natural remnant of the critically endangered Cape Flats Sand fynbos, with patches of renosterveld, and is also a seasonal wetland. Over 300 plant species have been verified on the site, of which nine appear in the Red Data List including <em>Ixia monadelpha </em>and <em>Podalyria sericea</em>. 110 different bird species have also been recorded.</p><p>Rondebosch Common is very popular among local residents, who can be seen jogging, walking their dogs, exercising and enjoying the open space every day. The Friends of Rondebosch Common keep the area clean, safe and free from litter and fire. The group controls the spread of alien vegetation, organises spring walks, keeps information boards updated, and has compiled a book on the common’s history, fauna and flora.</p>GP0|#8c6dc6f7-988e-4d11-b49b-c6d597735555;L0|#08c6dc6f7-988e-4d11-b49b-c6d597735555|Sport and exercise;GTSet|#153637b8-411d-4bf7-8214-7237f5d775f0;GP0|#05fb5d88-5860-4a8a-866f-28c74794eaae;L0|#005fb5d88-5860-4a8a-866f-28c74794eaae|Walking and hiking;GP0|#754dde40-8789-4494-9113-50ac9121fd42;L0|#0754dde40-8789-4494-9113-50ac9121fd42|Nature appreciation<h4>​General enquiries</h4><p> <em>Telephone: </em><br><em> <a>021 444 7778</a>​</em></p><h4>​Emergencies</h4><p> <em>Telephone: </em><br><em> <a>021 480 7700</a>​</em></p><h4>​Law Enforcement</h4><p> <em>Telephone: </em><br><em> <a>0860 765 423</a>​</em></p>GP0|#2ebd98bc-cc62-4ce0-a267-29e2121e5b6b;L0|#02ebd98bc-cc62-4ce0-a267-29e2121e5b6b|Walking pathways;GTSet|#4be4596d-cdfe-41f7-a569-9d9c4e16c716;GP0|#0d6ec212-bddb-480a-9ab5-b6392f736bc8;L0|#00d6ec212-bddb-480a-9ab5-b6392f736bc8|Animals allowedCampground Road, Rosebank<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />





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