Kenilworth Racecourse Conservation Area | Kenilworth Racecourse Conservation Area | <p>Kenilworth Racecourse Conservation Area offers guided walks and children’s events as well as various KRCA activities and environmental education programmes. Interactive programmes are available on five different topics at a cost of R10 per person (price subject to change).</p><p>This 52-hectare conservation area lies in the centre of the Kenilworth Racecourse and is the largest conservation area surrounded by urbanisation remaining in Cape Town's southern suburbs. It is also the best example of Cape Flats Sand Fynbos remaining in the Cape Peninsula.<br> <br>The area was opened as a racecourse in 1882 and, due to the nature of the land use, allowed for the conservation of the area within the track. In recent years the conservation area was identified as “irreplaceable” on the Cape Town Biodiversity Network. In 2006, a management agreement between the City of Cape Town, Gold Circle (now Kenilworth Racing) and CapeNature was established. A permanent conservation management team was put in place and the Kenilworth Racecourse Conservation Area (KRCA) was formed.</p> | GP0|#25c40646-bfe3-49af-8017-8d279ff33f37;L0|#025c40646-bfe3-49af-8017-8d279ff33f37|Educational programmes;GTSet|#153637b8-411d-4bf7-8214-7237f5d775f0;GP0|#88b84f9f-bd0b-4cb0-a1b4-9cb5a915a145;L0|#088b84f9f-bd0b-4cb0-a1b4-9cb5a915a145|Private events and functions;GP0|#50d6cff6-8384-4eb0-8b2b-e4f2b3ad46b0;L0|#050d6cff6-8384-4eb0-8b2b-e4f2b3ad46b0|Running and jogging;GP0|#c1e5d546-fbb7-45de-8435-f37f6dbc4c09;L0|#0c1e5d546-fbb7-45de-8435-f37f6dbc4c09|Hiking and walking | <p>For a detailed list of costs for various nature reserves and environmental education centres, please consult the tariffs in the document downloads section below.</p> | <h4>General enquiries</h4><p>
<em>Telephone: </em>
<em><a>021 700 1843</a></em><br><br><em>Fax: </em>
<em><a>021 700 1847</a></em><br><br><em>Email: </em>
<em> </em>
<a href="">
<em></em></a><br><br><em>Website: </em>
<em> </em>
<a href="" target="_blank">
<em>Kenilworth Racecourse Conversation Area</em><span class="icon link-external"></span></a><em> </em></p><h4>Friends of Kenilworth Racecourse Conservation Area</h4><p>
<em>Email: </em>
<em> </em>
<a href="">
<em></em></a><br></p> | <p>52 hectares</p> | GP0|#d662c5f6-f850-4a9d-8962-74abfbecb182;L0|#0d662c5f6-f850-4a9d-8962-74abfbecb182|Facility hire;GTSet|#4be4596d-cdfe-41f7-a569-9d9c4e16c716;GP0|#fa67d115-15f7-412f-8ebc-2ac414e6bff4;L0|#0fa67d115-15f7-412f-8ebc-2ac414e6bff4|Path and walkways | | Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth | | <p>Visits by prior arrangement only. <br><br>Office hours <br>07:30 – 16:00</p> | | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | |