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The City’s Budget 2014-2015The City’s Budget 2014-2015<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClassAE08B988F6944C7584700BDC9A77C6B9"><p>The City of Cape Town's budget reflects its key policy decisions and priorities, determines rates increases and indicates where money will be spent on programmes and services. The budget is split up into annexures. You can find the whole 2014/15 budget below.​</p></div><h2 class="sectHeading">2014/15 Adjustment budget, April 2015</h2><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>​​​<span>See all documents </span><i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"><p> <a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Adjustments to Allocations and Grants Made By The City</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Asset Management</a><br> <a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Basic Service Delivery Measurement Adjustments Budget - Asset Management</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Capital Expenditure Budget By Vote and Funding</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Capital Expenditure On New Assets by Asset Class</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Capital Expenditure On Renewal Of Existing Assets By Asset Class</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Cash Backed Reserves Accumulated Surplus Reconciliation</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Cash Flows</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Expenditure On Repairs and Maintenance By Asset Class</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Financial Performance (Standard Classification)</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Financial Performance Revised and Expenditure </a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Financial Performance Revised and Expenditure by Vote</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Financial Position</a><br> <a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, April 2015: Summary</a></p></div></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">2014/15 Adjustment budget, January 2015</h2><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>​​​<span>See all documents </span><i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"><p> <a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Adjustments To Allocations and Grants Made By The City</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, Janua​ry 2015: Asset Management​</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Basic Service Delivery Measurement Adjustments Budget - Asset Management</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Capital Expenditure Budget By Vote and Funding</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Capital Expenditure On New Assets By Asset Class</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Capital Expenditure On Renewal Of Existing Assets By Asset Class</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Cash Backed Reserves Accumulated Surplus Reconciliation</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Cash Flows</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Expenditure On Repairs and Maintenance By Asset Class</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Financial Performance (Standard Classification)</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Financial Performance Revised and Expenditure</a> <br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Financial Performance Revised and Expenditure by Vote</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Financial Position</a><br> <a href="">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015: Summary</a>​​</p></div></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">2014/15 Mid year review and performance assessement, January 2015</h2><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3> <span>See all documents </span><i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"><p> <a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015 Annexure A: Mid-Year Budget and Performance Assessment</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget: Mid-Year Budget and Performance Assessment: Report to Executive Mayor</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Annexure 1: Second Quarter Corporate Performance Scorecard (SDBIP) 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2014 - (Draft Version)</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015 Annexure 1.1: Operating Adjustment Budget</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Annexure 2: Second Quarter Convenco Performance Assessment Report - 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2014 </a> <br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015 Annexure 2.1: Summary Per Major Fund Source</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015 Annexure 2.2: Details of 2014/2015</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015 Annexure 2.3: Details of 2015/2016</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015 Annexure 2.4: Details of 2015/2016</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustment Budget, January 2015 Annexure 3: MTREF IDP amended chapter to be included in IDP</a></p></div></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">2014/15 Adjustment budget, August 2014</h2><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3> <span>See all documents </span><i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"><p> <a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Summary </a> <br> <a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Operating Adjustment Budget Summary</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Adjustments to Allocations and Grants Made By The City</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Asset Management</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Basic Service Delivery Measurement</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Capital Budget - Fund Summary</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Capital Detail</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Capital Expenditure Budget By Vote and Funding</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Capital Expenditure On New Assets By Asset Class</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Cash Backed Reserves - Accumulated Surplus Reconciliation</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Expenditure On Repairs and Maintenance By Asset Class</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Financial Performance (Standard Classification)</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Financial Performance Revenue and Expenditure</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Financial Performance Revenue and Expenditure by Vote</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Financial Position</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Capital Expenditure On Renewal Of Existing Assets By Asset Class</a><br><a href="">2014/15 Adjustments Budget, August 2014: Ward Allocations - Operating Amendments       </a></p></div></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Original budget 2014/15</h2><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>See all documents<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> <a href="" target="_blank">City of Cape Town 2014/15 Budget Publication </a> <br><a href="" target="_blank">City of Cape Town Budget 2014 - 2015</a><br><a href="" target="_blank">Summary of Changes Between February and May Budget </a><br></div></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Original 2014/15 budget breakdown </h2><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 1<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 1 - <a href="" target="_blank">Multi Year Capital Appropriations by Vote 2016/17</a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 2<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 2 - <a href="" target="_blank">Property Rates</a></div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 3 - Special Rating Areas (SRA) policy, SRA additional rates<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 3 - <a href="" target="_blank">Special Rating Areas Additional Rates</a><br> Annexure 3 - <a href="" target="_blank">Special Rating Areas Policy</a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 4 - Revised consumptive tariffs, rates and basic charges for electricity services, water services and waste management services<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 4 - <a href="" target="_blank">Consumptive Tariffs – Electricity- Attachment 1 </a> <br> Annexure 4 - <a href="" target="_blank">Consumptive Tariffs - Electricity</a><br> Annexure 4 - <a href="" target="_blank">Consumptive Tariffs - Solid Waste Management</a><br> Annexure 4 - <a href="" target="_blank">Consumptive Tariffs - Water and Sanitation </a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 5<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 5 - <a href="" target="_blank">Rates Policy</a></div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 6 - Tariffs, fees and charges book<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Tariffs, fees and charges – Index and Contact Persons </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Integrated Strategic Communication and Branding</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="">City Parks - Cemeteries</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="">City Parks - Zoned Public Open Space </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Library and Information Services</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Sport Recreation and Amenities Beaches and Resorts</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Sport Recreation and Amenities Halls</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Sport Recreation and Amenities Pools</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Sport Rec and Amenities Sport and Rec Facilities</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Sport Recreation and Amenities Stadia </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Development Information and GIS </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Information Systems and Technology Telecommunications </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Specialised Technical Services Facilities</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Information Systems and Technology Radio Trunking</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Specialised Technical Services Printing</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Training and Development Services</a><br>Annexure 6 - Economic Environmental and Spatial Planning – <a href="" target="_blank">Economic Development – Annexure A </a> <br>Annexure 6 - Economic Environmental and Spatial Planning – <a href="" target="_blank">Economic Development – Annexure B.1</a><br>Annexure 6 - Economic Environmental and Spatial Planning – <a href="" target="_blank">Economic Development – Annexure B.2</a><br>Annexure 6 - Economic Environmental and Spatial Planning – <a href="" target="_blank">Economic Development </a> <br>Annexure 6 - Economic Environmental and Spatial Planning – <a href="" target="_blank">Env Resource Mgt Env and Heritage Mgt</a><br>Annexure 6 - Economic Environmental and Spatial Planning – <a href="" target="_blank">Env Resource Mgt Nature Conservation </a> <br>Annexure 6 - Economic Environmental and Spatial Planning – <a href="" target="_blank">Planning and Bldg Dev Mgt Building Dev Mgt</a><br>Annexure 6 - Economic Environmental and Spatial Planning – <a href="" target="_blank">Planning and Bldg Dev Mgt Land Use Mgt </a> <br>Annexure 6 - Economic Environmental and Spatial Planning – <a href="" target="_blank">Spatial Planning and Urban Design </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Additional Property Rates (SRAs) </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Property Management</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Property Rates</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Revenue</a><br>Annexure 6 -<a href="" target="_blank"> Valuations</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Health</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Human Settlements</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Emergency Services Disaster Management </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Emergency Services Fire and Rescue Services</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Law Enforcement and Security</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Metropolitan Police</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Traffic Services</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Social Development and Early Childhood Development </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Arts and Culture</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Cape Town Stadium Bowl</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Cape Town Stadium Filming</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Cape Town Stadium Green Point Park</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Cape Town Stadium Non-Bowl</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Cape Town Stadium Visitors Centre</a><br>Annexure 6 – <a href="" target="_blank">Events</a><br>Annexure 6 – <a href="" target="_blank">Filming</a><br>Annexure 6 – <a href="" target="_blank">Halls</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Lookout Hill Tourism</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Outdoor Facilities</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Two Oceans Cultural Centre</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Contracted Road Based Public Transport Services Fare Level 1</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Contracted Road Based Public Transport Services Fare Level 2</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Contracted Road Based Public Transport Services Fare Level 3</a><br>Annexure 6 – <a href="" target="_blank">Infrastructure and Maintenance</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Public Transport Network and Information Management</a><br>Annexure 6 – <a href="" target="_blank">Electricity- Consumptive</a><br>Annexure 6 – <a href="" target="_blank">Electricity- Miscellaneous </a> <br>Annexure 6 – <a href="" target="_blank">Electricity- Streetlighting</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Solid Waste Management- Consumptive </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Solid Waste Management- Miscellaneous</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Water and Sanitation- Sanitation Consumptive 10 percent </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Water and Sanitation- Sanitation Consumptive 20 percent</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Water and Sanitation- Sanitation Consumptive 30 percent</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Water and Sanitation- Sanitation Miscellaneous</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Water and Sanitation- Scientific Services</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Water and Sanitation- Water Consumptive 10 percent </a> <br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Water and Sanitation- Water Consumptive 20 percent</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Water and Sanitation- Water Consumptive 30 percent</a><br>Annexure 6 - <a href="" target="_blank">Water and Sanitation- Water Miscellaneous</a> <p> </p></div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 7 - Tariff Policies<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 7 - <a href="" target="_blank">Tariff Policies </a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 8<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 8 - <a href="" target="_blank">Credit control and debt collection policy </a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 9<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 9 - <a href="" target="_blank">Grants Policy</a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 10<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 10 - <a href="" target="_blank">COCT IDP Revised 2014 </a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 11<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 11 - <a href="" target="_blank">Grants Subsidies and Contracts to External Organisations</a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 12<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 12 - <a href="" target="_blank">Operating Capital Ward Allocation Projects Supported by SubCouncils</a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 13<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 13 - <a href="" target="_blank">Virement Policy </a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 14<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 14a - <a href="" target="_blank">Municipal Entity- Schedule D (Annual Budgets and Supporting Documents) </a> <br> Annexure 14b – <a href="" target="_blank">Municipal Entity- Chairman’s Report</a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 15<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 15 - <a href="" target="_blank">CTICC 2014/15 Business Plan Final</a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 16<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 16 - <a href="" target="_blank">MTREF Chapter to be Included in IDP May 2014</a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 17<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 17 - <a href="" target="_blank">Iconic and Other Events to be Hosted 2014/15 </a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 18<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 18 - <a href="" target="_blank">Policy on Accounts Payable</a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 19<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 19 - <a href="" target="_blank">Fares Policy for Contracted Road-Based Public Transport </a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 20<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 20 - <a href="" target="_blank">Individual Projects with a TPC over R50m </a> </div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Annexure 21<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"> Annexure 21a - <a href="" target="_blank">Circular70 1415 Budget 4 December 2013 </a> <br> Annexure 21b – <a href="" target="_blank">Circular72 Budget Circular for 1415 MTREF 17 March 2014 </a> </div></div></div>GP0|#82090197-53f9-4d59-979a-e0a8768cba24;L0|#082090197-53f9-4d59-979a-e0a8768cba24|The City’s Budget 2014-2015;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#4589eae7-bed1-449f-bc1b-e6ff0c77aa41;GPP|#2ad5ede6-473c-4550-a932-aabda12143b1;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711;GP0|#3fb79c3c-63eb-4736-9b0b-47f67541b8dd;L0|#03fb79c3c-63eb-4736-9b0b-47f67541b8dd|The City’s Budget 2014-2015;GPP|#cef32794-fe7e-4871-9cd8-4cd0e57a10d5;GPP|#d3f3e0bd-5b83-4c1f-845c-7e13f8f4e17d;GPP|#af370586-9ba3-404a-9d6e-02066ca42752;GP0|#be2a3bf1-e447-425b-8c51-b906de1de547;L0|#0be2a3bf1-e447-425b-8c51-b906de1de547|The City’s Budget 2014-2015;GPP|#85691252-8cae-42e1-8264-8f26d4000e81;GPP|#fdaaa5aa-bac4-497d-b6ea-347f228ec59d;GPP|#e88ff549-973f-4e3c-a46c-cfbe61bd6a24The City of Cape Town's budget reflects its key policy decisions and priorities, determines rates increases and indicates where money will be spent on programmes and services.





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