Subcouncil resolution details
Subcouncil 15
Agenda item no
15SUB 12/9/2024
Meeting date
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Date closed
Tuesday, October 01, 2024
Resolution detail
Ald Thompson mentioned that the number of electricity and sewer requests are still open because the community repeatedly logs the same requests, which clogs the system. Alderman Smith requested Subcouncil to engage Corporate Services regarding a solution for the duplication in reporting of service requests. Councillor Majingo said departments must have a plan to fix the entire sewer system for each ward in order to resolve these issues. Cllr Esau said that the report do not include the service requests registered via mobile numbers and also the status of the requests is not captured to enable follow up with the relevant department
It was RESOLVED that (a) The schedule of service requests for Subcouncil 15 BE NOTED. (b) The ward councillor and the ward assistant monitor service requests that are long outstanding and request the subcouncil manager to escalate such. (c) A meeting with Corporate Services be arranged regarding duplicate service requests for the same issue ACTION: SECRETARIAT / A DANIELS