Resolution detail
Combined MRA that will deal with all issues concerning Human Settlement Department – report on the Qwarhashe, report on relocation of Masilunge informal settlement (Susan Groenewald, Levona Powell, Gerhard Hanekom)
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Meeting date: 18/10/2023
S Groenewald stated that a meeting was held with all the Councillors regarding these issues, Masilunge is currently with MMC office who is setting up meetings with all relevant role-players and will ask Mr. X Joja to send update on the meetings the MMC is coordinating.
Cllr N Makasi thanked the official for both reports received and asked the Ward Councillor for the Ramaphosa area to provide more feedback.
Meeting date: 15/11/2023
X Joja indicated there is a relocation plan for Masilunge, survey has been concluded in both informal settlements, the database has been submitted to the Provincial office. Sakhile indicated there are 66 households and 44 are registered and there is no land available in this area but qualifying beneficiaries will be accommodated in other housing development project and engagements are still ongoing. A formal report will be submitted to the Subcouncil.
Meeting date: 17/01/2024
Cllr N Makasi stated that on the speech, it was indicated that a separate meeting will be called with Human Settlement to deal with all the Wards for informal settlement issues and all officials to be called into one meeting and invite their Director as well so that we are fully aware of what is happening with the plans.
Meeting date: 17/07/2024
L Bobo indicated that a separate meeting will needs to be called with Director of Human Settlement including all responsible officials.
Meeting date: 20/11/2024
L Bobo indicated that this refers to the discussion with the representative from Human Settlement as per MRA1
Meeting date: 22/01/2025
L Bobo indicated that separate meetings were arranged by S Groenewald whereby some of these issues where addressed and it was resolved that further meeting will be arranged with relevant Line Departments