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Subcouncil resolution details

Subcouncil resolution details

Subcouncil 18

Agenda item no

18SUB 15/6/2023



Meeting date

Thursday, June 22, 2023



Date closed

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Resolution detail

  1. That Subcouncil follow-up on the CPX.0034554: Sidewalk Construction project in Ward 66 whether they started in Stephen Road.
  1. The Subcouncil to follow-up on the monitoring of cameras in Ward 66 and Cllr Akim to write to the Department on the incident that happened at the Bruce Road Civic in Ottery and the reason why the Camera Room did not inform to Law Enforcement.
  1. That Mark Marais provide a quarterly report on the Waste Water Treatment Plant project in Ward 67 and be invited to the Subcouncil to provide progress on the project since the Subcouncils last visit.
  1. That the Subcouncil send an email to the Recreation & Parks Department regarding the Parks tenders.
  1. That it is recommended that the attached progressive capital expenditure report as at the end of May 2023 be submitted to your Subcouncil for information and NOTING.
Action: Fred Monk/Zeenat Arieff/Barry Schuller

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