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Subcouncil ward information

Subcouncil ward information

Ward 72

Kevin Southgate

Current ward allocation projects

Indicator Reference Name Amount Status
Capital WC1872111 Ashford Sportsfield - Upgrade R98,300 Completed
Capital CPX.0030741-F1 8th Avenue Park - Upgrade R322,460 Behind Schedule
Capital WC1872109 Kingfisher Park - Walking Track R400,000 Behind Schedule
Capital WC1872112 CCTV/LPR Camera - Ward 72 R265,000 On Schedule
Capital WC1872110 Sidewalk Construction - 1st Ave Retreat R100,000 On Schedule
Operating WO1872115 Sport & Rec Youth Programmes - Ward 72 R30,000 On Schedule
Operating WO1872116 Women's Day Programme - Ward 72 R30,000 On Schedule
Operating WO1872114 NW Equipment - Ward 72 R75,000 On Schedule
Capital Ashford Sportsfield - Upgrade R98,300
Capital 8th Avenue Park - Upgrade R322,460
Capital Kingfisher Park - Walking Track R400,000
Capital CCTV/LPR Camera - Ward 72 R265,000
Capital Sidewalk Construction - 1st Ave Retreat R100,000
Operating Sport & Rec Youth Programmes - Ward 72 R30,000
Operating Women's Day Programme - Ward 72 R30,000
Operating NW Equipment - Ward 72 R75,000

Ward committee representatives

Sector Representative

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