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General safety tips for visitors General safety tips for visitors <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClass0E21D3A9D28C4BB08751FF01BA2D7DFE"><p>We love our city and you will find that it is a colourful and vibrant landscape of people, culture, activities, buildings and nature. </p> </div><span> <h2 class="sectHeading">Building a safe city</h2></span> <p>​At the City, we have the safety of visitors and residents as a number one priority. For example, we have over 800 CCTV cameras in the V&A Waterfront and armed response teams on duty 24 hours a day. Our inner CBD has 92 CCTV cameras.</p><p>You will most likely want to see some other interesting parts of the city and these might not have the same level of surveillance. In this case, we suggest following some simple guidelines to ensure your visit is a safe and memorable one. </p><h2 class="sectHeading">Safety tips</h2><p> <strong>Follow our simple safety tips below.</strong></p><ul><li>Use accredited booking agents and choose local tourism-endorsed accommodation.</li><li>Don’t carry a lot of cash on you and leave expensive jewellery and cameras out of sight.</li><li>Don’t leave your belongings unattended.</li><li>Keep your money in a money belt.</li><li>Do not venture into unknown areas alone.</li><li>Listen to the advice of your hosts, Cape Town Tourism Visitor Centre staff, and locals.</li><li>Never allow strangers to assist you at cash machines (ATMs).</li><li>Keep certified copies of all travel and valuable documents in a safe place.</li><li>Let someone know where you are going at all times and when to expect you back.</li></ul><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border"> <i class="info toptip"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Top tip</h4><p>Wherever you go, ask for advice often. Employees in restaurant, shops or hotels will know more about local conditions. In asking about your surroundings, you will have a better understanding of the local character of your surroundings and will be more aware of incidents that could occur.</p></div></div><p>Find out more about being <a href=""><span class="ms-rteThemeForeColor-6-4"> safe when out and about in nature</span></a> and in our<span class="ms-rteThemeForeColor-6-4"> </span><a href=""><span class="ms-rteThemeForeColor-6-4"> streets</span></a>.</p><h2 class="sectHeading">Cape Town Tourism – visitor safety support</h2><p>Cape Town Tourism offers a safety and support service for visitors. The service operates 24 hours, seven days a week and is free to all travellers.</p><p>Our service includes:</p><p> <b>Administrative support:</b></p><ul><li>Connecting you to embassies and consulates</li><li>Assisting with language</li><li>Assisting with legal processes</li><li>Assisting with replacement documents (e.g. flight tickets)</li></ul><p> <b>Practical and emotional support:</b></p><ul><li>Trauma counselling</li><li>Getting you to hospitals or getting medical treatment</li><li>Help finding short-term accommodation</li><li>Help with contacting family or friends</li><li>Facilitating transport arrangements</li></ul> <span> <div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border"> <i class="info note">​​​</i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Please note</h4><p> <strong>We do not offer the following</strong>: Financial assistance, replacement of lost items, compensation for losses of any kind, direct medical attention, or legal advice.</p></div></div></span> <h4>Cape Tourism Tourism Support</h4><p>Please contact us if you need support, help or have any suggestions</p><p> <em>Telephone:</em><br><em><a>021 487 6800</a></em></p><p> <em>Email:<br></em><em><a></a></em> <br></p>GP0|#0379bda9-4981-447f-bf8f-0d15ee8e6b54;L0|#00379bda9-4981-447f-bf8f-0d15ee8e6b54|General safety tips for visitors;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#0a4bd5be-45ba-4f29-9467-09eaac3d8884;GPP|#bdeab521-3d99-4e61-8a9d-b298f4037b2a;GPP|#c529c1ac-1f8d-48ae-8079-d34f4dae9c57Simple guidelines to ensure visitors enjoy a safe and memorable stay in Cape Town.





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