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Hijacking and smash-and-grabs Hijacking and smash-and-grabs <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><div class="ExternalClass0A003955DF1E4096B5AE96D5E15DB2D7"><p>​The City of Cape does everything in its power to keep motorists safe. However, you should be aware of the dangers of hijacking and 'smash-and-grabs' at all times.</p></div><h2 class="sectHeading">​​Hijacking</h2><p>Some parts of South Africa’s roads can be extremely dangerous for drivers, especially at night or in secluded areas.</p><p><strong>Hijacking is a reality, and you need to be aware of it at all times by following these guidelines: </strong> </p><ul><li>Be alert!</li><li>Do not pull over to answer your cell phone.</li><li>Make sure your vehicle is in good working order and that you always have enough fuel to complete your journey.</li><li>It is illegal to stop along freeways unless in an emergency or because of a breakdown.</li><li>The N2 is a particular hotspot for crime. The stoning of cars can lead to hijackings.</li></ul><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border"> <i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Please note</h4><p>Camera operators make patrol vehicles aware of stationary vehicles. If it is someone pulling over to take a call, we’re potentially diverting resources away from someone who is really in need of assistance.</p></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Smash-and-grab</h2><p>‘Smash-and-grab’ has become a problem on our roads. Car windows are smashed when a car is not moving or moving very slowly (parked or in heavy traffic) and handbags, briefcases, and laptops are stolen out of the car. Please see our <a href="">leaflet​</a> to find tips on how you can reduce your risk of ‘smash and grabs’.</p>GP0|#ca2eafff-aefa-4836-a7e7-d5a37acbbde4;L0|#0ca2eafff-aefa-4836-a7e7-d5a37acbbde4|Hijacking and smash-and-grabs;GTSet|#ef3a64a2-d764-44bc-9d69-3a63d3fadea1;GPP|#00d4d49a-c378-43ad-bf39-d52bd0d43fdc;GPP|#bb1d214c-4a13-47f8-89cd-911676b553ad;GPP|#245ec7aa-a528-4cd3-bcac-597c292db711;GP0|#c2102b8b-b672-4105-8f92-2350e8e74894;L0|#0c2102b8b-b672-4105-8f92-2350e8e74894|Hijacking and smash-and-grabs;GPP|#14f28a8e-0a68-42b1-8871-7e8fd66a3283;GPP|#14a3ee0b-b641-42d6-9511-506df3d1bdc9;GPP|#c529c1ac-1f8d-48ae-8079-d34f4dae9c57;GP0|#b3d1eecd-af1a-4733-9c02-d29d505877b2;L0|#0b3d1eecd-af1a-4733-9c02-d29d505877b2|Hijacking and smash-and-grabs;GPP|#0f252e5e-cbae-49e4-a32a-5948f5c74f9d;GPP|#9f841cad-99c7-419d-a78f-65752fc421d4;GPP|#af370586-9ba3-404a-9d6e-02066ca42752;GP0|#4ba7d139-56a7-412a-908f-23fc156a706c;L0|#04ba7d139-56a7-412a-908f-23fc156a706c|Hijacking and smash-and-grabs;GPP|#535b3a4a-cc07-4f22-a0ae-87bac46e162a;GPP|#6f520d07-fa28-4a39-a1a6-a53c75fe9ed2;GPP|#e88ff549-973f-4e3c-a46c-cfbe61bd6a24If you drive a motor vehicle, learn how to avoid hijackings and ‘smash-and-grabs’.0





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