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Parow Municipal Court<p>The City's Municipal Courts deal with the prosecution of all municipal related matters i.e. traffic and by-law offences. Fines imposed in terms of the aforementioned, are payable at the courts during working hours.</p><p>Court sitting days: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (accused to be at court by 08:45)<br>Payment of fines: Daily – Monday to Friday</p><p>Traffic fines can be paid at any municipal pay point or <a href="">walk-in centre​</a>, on or before the payment date as indicated on the summons or notice.</p><h4>Parow Municipal Court</h4><p> <em>Telephone:<br><a>021 444 1851</a> / <a>021 444 1973</a> </em></p>Beacon Street, Parow<p>Monday to Friday<br>08:00 – 13:00 and 13:30 – 15:00</p><img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />GP0|#965de40f-891f-4c53-b6f2-5d2c281337bf;L0|#0965de40f-891f-4c53-b6f2-5d2c281337bf|Fine payments;GTSet|#f9aff7f8-0cfa-49a2-b7df-1c34f0e053e8;GP0|#e3f094be-218b-4609-b102-1c0dc7836d05;L0|#0e3f094be-218b-4609-b102-1c0dc7836d05|Enquiries;GP0|#971bba6e-e972-4356-93d3-686066263100;L0|#0971bba6e-e972-4356-93d3-686066263100|Warrant payment;GP0|#bcfb092d-48e0-4a42-83f1-621a20a9ef1e;L0|#0bcfb092d-48e0-4a42-83f1-621a20a9ef1e|Representations





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