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Lansdowne Corner Vehicle Registration CentreLansdowne Corner Vehicle Registration Centre<p>Your vehicle needs to be <a href="">registered and licensed</a> by the City of Cape Town to comply with national legislation. You can do so at any of the City's MVR offices. </p><p>The centre is conveniently located in Lansdowne Corner Mall, and is open week days and weekends, making it easy for you to register and license your motor vehicle.</p> <h4>General enquiries:</h4><p> <em>Telephone:<br><a>021 444 0633</a> / <a>021 444 0621</a></em></p>Cnr Govan Mbeki and Jan Smuts Drive, Lansdowne<p>Monday to Friday<br> 08:30 – 16:00</p><p>Saturday and Sunday<br> 09:00 – 12:30</p><p>Public holidays<br> Closed</p> <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />GP0|#2796401b-9b09-4d7e-b4a6-def1934b1a6c;L0|#02796401b-9b09-4d7e-b4a6-def1934b1a6c|Vehicle licensing;GTSet|#f9aff7f8-0cfa-49a2-b7df-1c34f0e053e8;GP0|#a64df9d3-5f17-4053-8c13-e08b0b1b814e;L0|#0a64df9d3-5f17-4053-8c13-e08b0b1b814e|Vehicle registration;GP0|#194a4c17-5337-49d6-b3cc-6205789bc2ed;L0|#0194a4c17-5337-49d6-b3cc-6205789bc2ed|Licence payment





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