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Kuils River Vehicle Registration CentreKuils River Vehicle Registration Centre<p>Your vehicle needs to be <a href="">registered and licensed</a> by the City of Cape Town to comply with national legislation. You can do so at any of the City's MVR offices. </p><p>The centre is conveniently located in Kuils River and is open week days and the first and last Saturday of the month, making it easy for you to register and license your motor vehicle.</p><h4>General Enquiries </h4><p> <em>Telephone:</em><br><em><a>0860 103 089</a></em></p>Kuils River Municipality, Van Riebeeck Street, Kuils River<p>Monday to Friday<br>08:00 – 15:30</p><p>Saturday (first and last of the month)<br>08:00 – 11:30</p><img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />GP0|#a64df9d3-5f17-4053-8c13-e08b0b1b814e;L0|#0a64df9d3-5f17-4053-8c13-e08b0b1b814e|Vehicle registration;GTSet|#f9aff7f8-0cfa-49a2-b7df-1c34f0e053e8;GP0|#2796401b-9b09-4d7e-b4a6-def1934b1a6c;L0|#02796401b-9b09-4d7e-b4a6-def1934b1a6c|Vehicle licensing;GP0|#194a4c17-5337-49d6-b3cc-6205789bc2ed;L0|#0194a4c17-5337-49d6-b3cc-6205789bc2ed|Licence payment





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