Parow Home Ownership Office | Parow Home Ownership Office | <span>
<div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>specialised services</h4><p> The Home Ownership Office only provides services for those who have purchased a delayed transfer property, a saleable rental unit or a serviced site from the City. For any other housing-related queries, visit your nearest
<a href="">housing office</a>.</p></div></div></span><p>The Parow Home Ownership Office provides a range of specialised housing-related services to the City of Cape Town, which enable the transfer of ownership for purchasers of delayed transfer properties,
<a href="">saleable rental units</a> and serviced sites, including:</p><h4>Debt management support</h4><p>If you have purchased a delayed transfer property, and you need to <a href="">apply for indigent support or rates relief</a>, we will assist. Visit the Home Ownership Office and request a confirmation letter. </p><p> The confirmation letter will be submitted on your behalf to the Revenue Department, stating that although you are not yet the registered owner, you have purchased a delayed transfer property and registration is pending. This will allow you to qualify for the rates relief. </p><h4>Deceased estates support </h4><p>We provide the next of kin of deceased home-owners with the necessary support needed to report the death at the Master of the High Court. The Master of the High Court must appoint an executor in order for the property to be transferred to the original purchaser and/ or spouse.</p><h4>Ownership transfer</h4><p>If you purchased a delayed transfer property, saleable rental unit or serviced site, we will facilitate the ownership transfer process. Once the ownership transfer process is complete, you will be issued with a Title Deed as proof that you are the legal owner of your property.</p><h4>Subsidy applications (EEDBS) </h4><p> The Enhanced Extended Discount Benefit Scheme (EEDBS) is a National Housing Programme subsidy intended to motivate and facilitate the transfer of public housing stock (delayed transfer properties, saleable rental units and serviced sites) to qualifying occupants.</p><p>If you qualify, you will receive a discount on any outstanding debt associated with your property (purchase price, services, rental, loans), and in some cases your debt may be written off in full depending on your monthly income and other qualifying criteria. </p> | | | <h4>General enquiries</h4><p><em>Housing hotline:<br>
<a>021 444 0333</a><br><br>
Customer care hotline:
<br><a>0800 323 130</a><br><br>
Email: <br><a href=""></a> </em></p>
| | | | Parow Centre (North Entrance), 1st Floor, Cnr De La Rey and Voortrekker Roads, Parow | | <p>Mondays to Fridays<br>
08:00 – 16:00</p>
| | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | GP0|#4b76bf04-e92f-4fe6-8543-da415ff8aabb;L0|#04b76bf04-e92f-4fe6-8543-da415ff8aabb|Debt management support;GTSet|#f9aff7f8-0cfa-49a2-b7df-1c34f0e053e8;GP0|#84539566-0fbf-4960-b366-b6cc36e60ea3;L0|#084539566-0fbf-4960-b366-b6cc36e60ea3|Deceased estates support;GP0|#f4d5c150-7abd-4380-b2ea-e4d2489c1742;L0|#0f4d5c150-7abd-4380-b2ea-e4d2489c1742|EEDBS;GP0|#1154ad3e-cf69-48f2-bdbd-5c86b9f61ff9;L0|#01154ad3e-cf69-48f2-bdbd-5c86b9f61ff9|Ownership transfer |