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50 Wale Street Walk-In Centre50 Wale Street Walk-In Centre<p>​The 50 Wale Street Walk-in Centre provides a range of housing services to the City of Cape Town. If you have any queries about housing, you can approach the 50 Wale Street Walk-in Centre, or the housing information kiosk on the second floor of the Cape Town Civic Centre (on Hertzog Boulevard in central Cape Town). </p><p>If you would like to apply for a Council housing opportunity or update your information you can also do so through one of the City's housing offices.</p><h4>General enquiries</h4><p> <em>Housing hotline:<br><a>021 444 0333</a></em></p><p> <em>Customer care hotline:<br><a>0800 323 130</a></em></p><p> <em>Email:<br><a href=""></a></em></p>50 Wale Street, Cape Town<p>​Mondays to Fridays <br>07:30 – 13:00</p><img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />GP0|#28346cb2-f6e6-4491-ba05-d954450046af;L0|#028346cb2-f6e6-4491-ba05-d954450046af|Application services;GTSet|#f9aff7f8-0cfa-49a2-b7df-1c34f0e053e8;GP0|#fa450fd2-64b5-4115-bde9-acc127223c50;L0|#0fa450fd2-64b5-4115-bde9-acc127223c50|General enquiries





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