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Bond Street Park Outdoor Gym<p>​Outdoor gyms provide the opportunity for Capetonians to live a healthier lifestyle, with the goal of improving and promoting overall fitness levels and physical health. All gym pieces have been designed with maximum safety in mind and are suitable for adults of all ages and fitness levels.</p>GP0|#8c6dc6f7-988e-4d11-b49b-c6d597735555;L0|#08c6dc6f7-988e-4d11-b49b-c6d597735555|Sport and exercise;GTSet|#153637b8-411d-4bf7-8214-7237f5d775f0<span> <div class="contact"><h4>Re​creation and Parks Department</h4><p><strong>Faizel Kenny</strong><br> <em> Email: <br><a href=""></a></em>​</p> </div></span>GP0|#c5168f31-4d42-4d8f-85af-af86a0c2cea1;L0|#0c5168f31-4d42-4d8f-85af-af86a0c2cea1|Outdoor gym;GTSet|#4be4596d-cdfe-41f7-a569-9d9c4e16c716<p>​​</p>Bond Street, London Village<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />





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