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Submit a rental housing maintenance request<span> <h2 class="sectHeading">​​​​​​​​How to submit a maintenance request​​​​​</h2></span> <p> <strong>Step 1: </strong>Contact the City’s Call Centre on <a><em>0860 103 089</em></a> or SMS <a><em>31373 </em></a>(free SMSes do not apply)<br></p> <span> <div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border"> <i class="info note">​​​</i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Please note</h4><p> <b></b>If you cannot make the call from your own line, you can visit any of the City’s <a href="">housing offices</a> or <a href="">libraries </a>to make the call.</p></div></div></span> <p> <strong>Step 2:</strong> Submit your service request, and ensure you mention your full address and area as well as the date, time and a detailed description of the maintenance issue requiring attention.</p><p> <strong>Step 3:</strong> Once you have submitted the request, you will be issued with a reference number.</p><p> <strong>Step 4:</strong> If you have not received a response within 24 hours, you can contact your nearest housing office and use your reference number to follow up on your query.</p><p> <strong>Step 5:</strong> If you have not heard from a City official three days after that, you can contact your <a href="">subcouncil manager</a> and use your reference number to follow up on the query. </p> <span> <h2 class="sectHeading" id="Heading11">​Contact us</h2> <p> For further assistance, visit any of the City's <a href=""> housing offices</a> or contact our <a href=""> Public Housing Department</a>.<br></p> <span> </span></span>GP0|#c14ca2a1-d6ec-4cea-966b-68b8a5bedcb2;L0|#0c14ca2a1-d6ec-4cea-966b-68b8a5bedcb2|Municipal services and maintenance;GTSet|#a7cfb90d-44ad-4426-98ce-565f79932396;GPP|#3b0e4968-c5c4-4fd4-911a-3e031032e035;GP0|#eb4b0948-bce6-48b2-9201-1c5848d307f5;L0|#0eb4b0948-bce6-48b2-9201-1c5848d307f5|Municipal services and maintenance;GPP|#d33d4bac-828f-4051-af8d-b976c98827efHow to submit a service request if you live in a rental housing unit.0





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