Ref 1500128429 - Rezoning, subdivision, consolidation, and departures | Ref 1500128429 - Rezoning, subdivision, consolidation, and departures | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <div class="ExternalClass522D79978C4A450DB361D856275E918A"><p><strong>Remainder erf 734, erf 735, erf 737, remainder erf 738, 739, 9564 (Portion of erf 738) and 9565 (Portion of erf 734) Cape Town, block bounded by Riebeek, Buitengracht Prestwich and Chiappini Streets, Provincial Soils Laboratory.</strong><br><br>Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the <a href="" target="_blank">City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law (MPBL), 2015 </a> that the application below has been received and is open for inspection at the office of the District Manager, Media City Building, 2nd Floor corner Adderley Street and Hertzog Boulevard - by appointment only. Alternatively, it can be viewed by clicking on the PDF attachment in the document downloads section below.</p></div> | <span>
<h2 class="sectHeading">Application details</h2></span>
<p>District office:
<a href="" target="_blank">Table Bay District</a><br>
Application number: 1500128429<br>
Applicant/owner details: NM & Associates Planners and Designers/Western Cape Government and City of Cape Town.<br>
Description and physical address: Block bounded by Riebeek, Buitengracht, Prestwich and Chiappini Streets, Provincial Soils Laboratory.<br>
Submission period: 25 October - 3 December 2024</p><h2 class="sectHeading">Purpose of the application</h2><p>The application is to redevelop the property with a mixed use development containing approximately 310 residential units (including 120 affordable/social housing units), and business-related uses.</p><ul><li>1. Section 42(a): Rezoning </li><li>
2. Section 42(d): Subdivision </li><li>
3. Section 42(f): Consolidation </li><li>
4. Section 42(b): Permanent departures
<h2 class="sectHeading">Submit your comments</h2></span>
<p>Submit your comments, objections and representations by <a href=" on application-ref 1500128429">email</a>.<br><br> All submissions need to include the following:</p><ul><li>The application reference number.</li><li>The details of the person submitting the comment or objection, including the full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they can be contacted.</li><li>The reason for the objection, including the effect that the application will have on a person/area and any aspect of the application that you consider inconsistent with policy, and how.</li></ul><p>Submissions in writing need to be made to the specified
<a href="" target="_blank">district office</a> on or before the closing date.<br><br>View our
<a href="">guidelines on submitting objections / comments on land use applications, or to make oral submissions</a>.</p>
<h2 class="sectHeading">General conditions</h2></span>
<ul><li>An objection, comment or representation that does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded.</li><li>Late comments or objections will not be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing.</li><li>If you are unable to write, you may come to the specified
<a href="" target="_blank">district office</a> during office hours where you will be assisted with transcribing your comment or objection and associated reasons.</li></ul> | | GP0|#03e6040c-6cd2-4a39-bb7a-22f89a0c8c01;L0|#003e6040c-6cd2-4a39-bb7a-22f89a0c8c01|Land use applications;GTSet|#a7cfb90d-44ad-4426-98ce-565f79932396;GPP|#79e6adda-2aa2-4523-bc29-296828216c93 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 25 October - 3 December 2024, Cape Town | 0 |