Comment on the proposed lease of Council-owned property in Kensington | Comment on the proposed lease of Council-owned property in Kensington | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <div class="ExternalClass4D37BBD2289046A6AAA79AA6C6315F69"><p>We are considering granting Haven Night Shelter (an NPO) the right to manage a City-owned property in Kensington, and we want to hear from you.</p></div> | <span>
<h2 class="sectHeading">About</h2></span>
<p>In accordance with section 16.6 and 12.5 of the Management of Certain of the City of Cape Town’s<a href="" target="_blank"> Immovable Property Policy (adopted by Council on 26 August 2010 C54/08/10)</a>, and chapter 4 of the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations (2008), we are considering granting the rights to manage the following property:</p>
<div class="mobile-scroll"><table style="width:595px;height:142px;"><thead><tr><th>Erf/<br>Farm Number</th><th style="width:110px;">Extent (±m²)</th><th colspan="1">Street and suburb</th><th colspan="1" style="width:112px;">Annual rental<br>(excl. VAT)</th><th colspan="1" style="width:127px;">Current zoning</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Erf 21431</td><td style="width:110px;">± 3400 m²</td><td colspan="1">78 Factreton Avenue, Kensington</td><td colspan="1" style="width:112px;">R1 195.00</td><td colspan="1" style="width:127px;">Community Open Space</td></tr></tbody></table></div></span>
<p>We are considering leasing the above-mentioned property to Haven Night Shelter (an NPO) for a period of 10 years. The property will be used to provide shelter and developmental programmes aimed at supporting the successful reintegration of individuals who previously slept rough on the streets into society. </p><p>A formal agreement between the City and Haven Night Shelter will allow the use of the property for these purposes. </p><p>In terms of Section 17 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, you can submit comments to the municipality in respect of the proposed lease. </p><p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Access the information statement</a>. </p>
<h2 class="sectHeading">Comment period</h2></span>
<p>Submit your comments and objections from
<strong>1 February – 7 March 2025</strong>.</p>
<h2 class="sectHeading">Submit your comment</h2></span>
<p>Submissions may be submitted via the following channels: </p><p>
<strong>Online </strong>
<a href="" target="_blank">Submit your comments online</a>. </p><p>
<strong>Email </strong>
<br>Email your comments to
<em> </em>
<a href="">
<em></em></a>. </p><p>
<strong>Delivery </strong>
<br>Deliver your written comments by hand to: </p><p>
<em>Community, Arts and Culture Development office </em>
<em>5th Floor Honda Building </em>
<em>73 Hertzog Boulevard </em>
<em>Cape Town </em></p><p>
<strong>Post </strong>
<br>Post your written comments to: </p><p>
<strong>For attention: Chantal Brinkman </strong></em>
<em>Community, Arts and Culture Development office </em>
<em> 73 Hertzog Boulevard </em>
<em>Cape Town </em></p>
<div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>Please note</h4><p>Our Public Participation Unit will assist you if you would like to submit comments but have a disability or are unable to read or write. See contact details below:</p></div></div></span>
<h4>Anathi Dywili</h4><p>
<em>Telephone:<br><a>021 400 9825</a><br><br>Email:<br><a href=""></a> </em></p>
<h2 class="sectHeading">Contact us</h2></span>
<p>For more information and general enquiries, contact: </p><h4> Chantal Brinkman </h4><p>
<em>Telephone: <br><a> 021 400 3705</a> (Weekdays, 08:30 – 15:00)<br><br> Email:<br><a href=""></a> </em></p> | | GP0|#a5736391-e79d-4eaf-afe0-24756300063b;L0|#0a5736391-e79d-4eaf-afe0-24756300063b|Immovable property notices;GTSet|#a7cfb90d-44ad-4426-98ce-565f79932396;GPP|#79e6adda-2aa2-4523-bc29-296828216c93 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 February – 7 March 2025 | 0 |