Get Grants-in-Aid funding | Get Grants-in-Aid funding | | <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> | <div class="ExternalClassF3AA9FEED99545E3A5AFD09248284A6C"><p>The City of Cape Town makes Grants-in-Aid available to organisations to fund projects that benefit the community and assist the City in realising its goals and objectives as set out by the
<a href=""> Integrated Development Plan (IDP)</a>. </p></div> | <h2 class="sectHeading">Grants-in-Aid 2024/25<br></h2><p><strong>There are currently no funding opportunities available.</strong></p>
<div class="lrg-icon-content bordered"><div class="lrg-icon lrg-check"><p>
<b>Remember</b></p><ul><li>Only qualifying Grants-in-Aid applications will be considered for Grants-in-Aid funding. </li><li>Other Grant-in-Aid applications should be directed to the applicable funding department. </li><li>Subcouncil Grants-in-Aid funding requests must be
<a href="">submitted via your local subcouncil office</a>.</li></ul></div></div></span>
<h2 class="sectHeading">Submission requirements</h2><p>All organisations should take note of the<a href="" target="_blank"> Grants-in-Aid Policy</a>.</p><p>Make sure your organisation meets the qualifying criteria and that you provide all the required documentation when applying:</p><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Qualifying criteria<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"><p>
<strong>Qualifying applicants should ensure that they:</strong></p><ul><li>Are registered on National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database (MAAA0524789
<a href="" target="_blank"><span class="icon link-external"></span></a> ) </li><li>Are
<a href="">registered on the City’s Supply Chain Management Database </a>as a supplier</li></ul><p>
<strong>Both registration numbers are required on the Grants-in-Aid application form.</strong><br></p></div></div></div><div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>Supporting documents<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"><p>
<strong>Qualifying applicants should ensure that they:</strong></p><ul><li>Provide certified copies of IDs for all committee members/responsible officials </li><li>Provide a valid registration certificate (e.g. PBO/NPO certificate) </li><li>Provide a valid tax clearance certificate </li><li>Provide proof of bank account details </li><li>Provide a copy of the latest paid-up municipal account. If in arrears, a
<a href="">repayment arrangement </a>must be made in order to be eligible for grant-in-aid funding. If a lease agreement is in place, the paid-up municipal account must be provided, as well as the lease agreement.<br></li><li>Provide an affidavit (if the organisation does not have a municipal account)<br></li><li>Provide a copy of the organisation’s constitution/articles of incorporation</li><li>Provide details of the date of the establishment of the organisation and organisation type (NPO/Section 21 company)</li><li>Provide a copy of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) minutes (not older than 18 months), which should reflect the decision to apply for the City’s funding. If the AGM minutes does not reflect such decision, the minutes of the meeting where this decision was taken or a letter signed by all members of the board indicating agreement thereto needs to accompany the application.<br></li><li>Provide an income and expenditure statement for the organisation's previous financial year as tabled at its annual general meeting (AGM), signed by the chairperson or another authorised member of the organisation together with a copy of the minutes of the relevant AGM
<strong>(if the funding request is under R50 000)</strong> </li><li>Provide independently reviewed financial statements
<strong>(if the funding request is between R50 001 and R100 000)</strong><br></li><li>Provide audited financial statements
<strong>(if the funding request is more than R100 000)</strong><br></li><li>Submit a zero-rated tax invoice with the amount applied for and the City’s VAT number (4500193497), if registered as a VAT vendor </li></ul></div></div></div><h4>You will also need to provide the following information in order to complete the application forms:</h4><ul><li> A detailed business plan explaining the funding proposal applied for </li><li> A detailed description of the project, including breakdown of project costs, and start and end dates </li><li>Details of other funding received from the City for the current financial year, and previous funding received by the City </li><li>Information on how the allocation of a grant-in-aid will promote job creation and the estimated number of job opportunities it will create </li></ul><p>If your application is successful, expenditure on the approved project will start within two months after the Grants-in-Aid funds are deposited into your organisation’s bank account, as provided for in clause 8.8 of the MOA. </p><h2 class="sectHeading">How to apply</h2>
<div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>application deadline<br></h4><p> Applications closed at 17:00 on 31 August 2024. No late or incomplete applications will be considered.</p></div></div></span>
<p>Ensure that you submit a completed application form along with all required supporting documentation. Failure to produce all relevant documentation will result in disqualification of the application.<br></p><h4>Download and complete the application forms:<br></h4><ul><li>
<a href="" target="_blank">Grants-in-Aid Annexure A1 Application Form</a><br></li><li>
<a href="" target="_blank">Grants-in-Aid Annexure A2 (Business Plan) </a></li><li>
<a href="" target="_blank">Grants-in-Aid Annexure A3 (Expenditure Report)</a><br></li><li>
<a href="" target="_blank">Grants-in-Aid Annexure A8 (Detailed Business and Project Plan)</a><br></li></ul><div class="notification with-heading dark-copy pink bg-light-grey"><div class="graphic with-border">
<i class="info note"></i> </div><div class="desc"><h4>electronic submissions</h4><p>Applications submitted via email must be in PDF format. The maximum size for each document is 2 MB.</p></div></div><h2 class="sectHeading">Contact us<br></h2><p>For assistance registering on the City’s Supply Chain Management Database, contact:</p><h4>Graham Heynes<br></h4><p>
<em>Telephone:</em><br><a><em>021 400 9244</em></a></p><p>
<em>Email:</em><br><em><a href=""></a></em><br></p><p>Alternatively, you can visit the
<a href="">Supply Chain Management Department</a> page for contact details.<br></p> | | GP0|#6a32def2-28e1-48d3-b5f2-ef510c7a1f78;L0|#06a32def2-28e1-48d3-b5f2-ef510c7a1f78|Social enterprises;GTSet|#a7cfb90d-44ad-4426-98ce-565f79932396;GPP|#17bbfc60-2cad-4ada-91e5-801244a1840f;GP0|#f2103f17-c160-410b-83b7-bf7c64527015;L0|#0f2103f17-c160-410b-83b7-bf7c64527015|Business funding | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | You can apply for Grants-in-Aid funding, and help the City realise its goals. | 0 |