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Youth Development Programme <span> <h2 class="sectHeading">​​​​​​​Join the programme </h2> <p>The programme is available at some of our facilities where schedules and activities may vary. In addition to training and mentorship, some facilities run youth groups where participants play games, socialise and attend bible classes. The programme is open to high school students.</p> <p>The following facilities host this programme: </p></span><span> <div class="content-accordion"><div class="content-trigger contentTrigger"><h3>​​​Find a programme near you<i class="icon button-down-arrow"></i></h3><div class="content-toggle contentToggle" style="display:none;"><p> <a href="">Eyethu Multipurpose Centre</a><br><a href="">Facreton Community Centre</a><br><a href="">Fisantekraal Multipurpose centre</a><br><a href="">Oceanview Sport and Recreation Centre</a><br><a href="">Ravensmead Multipurpose Centre</a><br><a href="">Rebecca Van Amsterdam Hall</a><br><a href="">Saxon Sea Hall</a><br><a href="">Ruth First Community Hall</a></p></div></div></div></span><span> <h2 class="sectHeading">Contact us</h2></span> <p> Please contact the facility of your choice from the list above for more information about the programme. </p><p>Alternatively, you can contact the<a href=""> Recreation and Parks Department</a>. </p>GP0|#99972a2a-9c65-461a-8eb3-0eae6d0aee50;L0|#099972a2a-9c65-461a-8eb3-0eae6d0aee50|Skills development and training;GTSet|#a7cfb90d-44ad-4426-98ce-565f79932396;GPP|#35719d0d-5c98-4384-9af1-e91dc8392e18Get involved in the Youth Development Programme and benefit from work experience.0





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