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Councillor details

Councillor details

Mthwalo Mkutswana

Name Surname


Cell number:


Joined council
09 November 2021

Subcouncil affiliation

All councillors are assigned to a subcouncil and serve either as elected ward councillors or as proportional representation (PR) councillors who are deployed by their political party.

Subcouncil 10

Ward 97

Committee Membership

Councillors serve on various committees of Council and represent the interests of their communities across a broad range of sectors. The various committees make recommendations to Council and its structures regarding important public service and other municipal issues.

Current membership

Combined Safety and Security and Human Settlements Portfolio Committees Tour
Combined Workshop of Spatial Planning and Environment and Human Settlements Portfolio Committees
Human Settlements PC
Human Settlements PC Tour
Human Settlements PC Workshop
Second Special Council
Special Combined meeting of Human Settlements and Safety and Security Portfolio Committees
Special Council

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