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Subcouncil resolution details

Subcouncil resolution details

Subcouncil 14

Agenda item no

14SUB 7/3/2024



Meeting date

Monday, March 18, 2024



Date closed

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Resolution detail

The Subcouncil Chairperson introduced the report. He granted an opportunity to Cllrs to give an input of projects in their wards. The Chairperson requested that all decisions taken at the Subcouncil Meeting be followed within one week as good tracking results in productivity or service delivery.
He requested for an urgent meeting with the sewer officials regarding ward 30, 46 and 49 sewer challenges, the Mayco Member and Executive Director should be invited to this meeting. Cllr Cassiem requested for officials who will speak on the process of the response time to service requests to be invited to the meeting.
Ward 40 The Chairperson gave an opportunity to Cllr Nqavashe to give feedback.

However, he mentioned that he was disappointed that Cllr Ngcombolo was absent due to a prior commitment in his ward. He was alarmed by the fact that a Cllr could prioritize ward activities over attending a Subcouncil Meeting, acknowledging that every Cllr is busy in their wards but still manages to find time for the Subcouncil meetings Cllr Nqavashe was happy with capital projects but concerned with operating expenditure especially Grants in aid (GIA)
Mr. Daniels reported that they have re-advertised for GIA and they have received three (3) submissions. They have made the first screening process and identified certain gaps. He is meeting with three (3) GIA applicants on Tuesday 19 March 2024. After this process they will present a report to the Subcouncil.
They should be able to spend 100% of the funding. Drivers Licence A meet and greet meeting is scheduled for Monday, 18 March 2024. This meeting aims to acquaint the participants with the service provider and establish a plan for progressing with the project.Extortions Cllr Nqavashe identified the need to address the challenge of extortions within the communities, which is also affecting officials such as the Fire Department Officials who are coming to work in the respective areas.

Mr. Botto said that they are looking into the issue of extortions holistically within the City of Cape Town because it is affecting the construction and infrastructure contracts as 19 contracts has been cancelled by the City Manager because of extortions. The issue is at the hands of the City Manager, Mayor and Executive management team. Fire services officials have experienced assaults and attacks in the communities and there is a challenge with the equipment, he identified the need for the communities to be educated on why they need to protect these officials and the equipment.
He promised to raise the issue with the Fire Chief to see how they can go about educating the community. Ward 30 Manenberg Housing Project Ald Jacobs said that she has been waiting for feedback on the request for a beneficiary list for too long now. She requested an update on this project. Mr. Daniels explained that he invited Cecilia Thiem who promised to give feedback at 12h00. Recruitment and selection of workers cleaning in the canal Ald Jacobs complained about the lack of transparency in the recruitment and selection of workers for the canal cleaning project. She mentioned that many Jobseekers are coming to her office complaining about the recruitment for this project.

The Chairperson, Cllr Nikelo, requested for a meeting with Mashudu Victor Phalanndwa to explain the reasons behind not informing the Cllrs about the developments related to recruitment in the project. This will enable Cllrs to understand the process that was followed in order to monitor the project and give relevant feedback to the community members when they are coming to enquire about the project. Mr. Daniels mentioned that there is a possibility that an exclusion report was used to recruit people for the canal cleaning project. Non-removal of dirt heaps at Silverstream Canal Ald Jacobs complained that the dirt heaps were not removed from the canal for 4 weeks now. A site visit to the canal was held on 22 February 2024 but there has been no feedback thus far. It was resolved for an urgent meeting to be convened to address this issue.
Roads rehabilitation Ald Jacobs highlighted the urgent need for repairing numerous roads iN Manenberg. It was resolved for Mr. Daniels to convene a meeting to discuss the rehabilitation of concrete roads in Manenberg. Scheldt Road Park Ald Jacobs said that the community member’s wants to find out if the same people employed previously will be re-employed on this project.
Mr. Daniels indicated that the current feedback he has received for this project states that people were randomised and called for interviews but none of them attended so they will re-randomise to recruit and select workers for this project.
However, this is going to delay the project. The Greens Sportfield Upgrade Ald Jacobs requested an update on this project. Women for Change Ald Jacobs reported that this project has commenced in ward 30. Neighbourhood Watch Equipment Ald Jacobs reported that she is still expecting the delivery of the outstanding Neighbourhood Watch equipment. Driver’s License Names of the beneficiaries are needed in order to progress with the project.
Ward 44 Recreation and Parks Cllr Moses reported that most of the items under Recreation and Parks are to be finalised by the end of this month. Chapmans Peak Park is in progress, they need to sort out the issue of local labour. Security issues Cllr Moses said that he has identified hotspot areas in Heideveld that requires security.
He complained about the Neighbourhood Watch equipment that is always delivered late. Mr. Botto asked Cllr Moses to send him a detailed email of the outstanding Neighbourhood Watch equipment so that he can escalate the issue to the relevant officials.

Ward 46 LPR Cameras Cllr Cassiem reported that there has been some development on this project. Last week, he was given updated feedback. He stated that he was pleased with the installation of lights near the park by the stadium. Furthermore, he added that the lights are being safeguarded by the community, ensuring theywill not be vandalized. In addition, the community is actively utilizing the space. He expressed gratitude to Mr. Kahla for their collaborative efforts.
Letaba park They were unable to implement some of the plans they have requested.
Traffic calming He wanted to know the roads covered for traffic calming in ward 46. Ryan reported that they are awaiting project numbers for the ward allocation traffic calming projects, the contractor will be on site by the end of March 2024 and was confident that they will complete the projects by the end of the financial year. Sports Carnival He requested an update on this project. Drivers licence There is progress on the Drivers Licence Project.

Neighbourhood Watch Equipment He received some substantial amount of Neighbourhood watch equipment but there is still outstanding equipment. Women for Change He has met the Women for Change candidates only once. He was told that he will be given a weekly report as an update on this project but he has never received it. He requested to be sent the weekly update as promised. Area Cleaning He was happy with the progress of this project and mentioned that he has met with the project manager. However, he encouraged that they improve in their recruitment and selection process and employ people who resides in the respective areas. The issue of a person from Vygieskraal Informal Settlement who was employed in the Vygieskraal Housing Project was shared on the Athlone News. Previously people from the informal settlement protested because of this issue.

He encouraged Solid Waste to mindful of their recruits because Vygieskraal and the old Pooke Se Bos are violent areas. The Chairperson, Cllr Nikelo encouraged officials to take note of the concerns raised by Cllrs so they can improve the process. Vygieskraal Upgrade Cllr Cassiem said that there has been no rehabilitation of concrete roads in Vygieskraal. It was resolved for Mr. Daniels to convene a site visit to discuss the rehabilitation of concrete roads in Manenberg. Safety and Security

Cllr Cassiem identified the challenge of cable theft and illegal connections in Belgravia. Mr. Botto acknowledged the challenge of cable theft and added that they offer rewards to people who report those who steal cables. He explained that the person can report the issue anonymously.

He asked Cllr Cassiem to encourage the community to report these issues. He committed to inform the relevant department of the issue to make contact with Cllr Cassiem for a detailed briefing in order to address the issue. Cllr Cassiem identified the challenge of illegal scrap yard in his ward. Mr. Botto promised to escalate the issue to metal theft unit. There are dangerous gangs residing outside Vygieskraal who currently are occupying about 3 houses in Vygieskraal. The gangs are a threat to the community.
Mr. Botto committed to inform the relevant department of the issue to make contact with Cllr Cassiem for a detailed briefing in order to address the issue. The shooting rate of people in Vygieskraal Informal Settlement and Pooke Se Bos is very high.

Cllr Cassiem identified the challenge of extortion of shops at Hajie Ebrahim Crescent.

Mr. Botto committed to escalate this issue to the relevant department who will make contact with Cllr Cassiem to provide details of the shops. Cllr Cassiem indicated that there is a team in the RDP Vygieskraal area who do illegal collections where they charge people money for electricity. Ward 49 Athlone TSSC Upgrade/Refurbishment Cllr Adams explained that this project is for a construction site for informal traders that will be built at Gatesville in Athlone. He requested for an update on this project. Athlone Stadium

He requested feedback on the progress on Athlone Stadium. Vygekraal River Pedestrian Bridge Mr. Mohamed indicated that the project was stopped due to a glitch that was identified at the bridge. The contractor will be back on site to fix the bridge and they should be able to finish construction by the end of April 2024. Parks Upgrades Cllr Adams requested feedback on the tender that will be used for park equipmenECD Equipment Cllr Adams reported that he received an email confirming that tables and chairs delivered by TF Suppliers.

He promised to find out who received the items. Athlone Swimming Pool There is an event scheduled for 19 March 2024 at 10h00 to give an update of what was done at the swimming pool. The Subcouncil is invited to this meeting. He added that in addressing the challenges at the pool they established Friends of the Athlone Swimming Pool to allow communities to participate.
The Chairperson expressed an interest of attending this meeting and requested that he be invited if he was not already included on the invitation. Leaners Licence Project He reported that he engaged with Manfred on 15 March 2024. He is waiting on him to confirm the date of the test so to allow them to finish the induction and programme prior the test date. Arts and culture The programme was scheduled for 14 March 2024 but has now been rescheduled for 30 March 2024. Safety and Security Cllr Adams identified problem buildings in his ward. However, he said that it is difficult to address the challenge of problem building because in some cases they cannot locate the owner of the place. These places becomes a hotspot of crime because they have no electricity. He encouraged the City of Cape Town to look for effective ways in addressing this challenge. Mr. Botto added that in two (2) months they need to provide a report to the Chairperson of the problem buildings committee regarding the problem buildings.

He encouraged the Cllrs to contact the relevant official for problem buildings. They should contact commissioner Petrus Robberts who is always available to assist. Cllr Adams wanted to know the response time for reported voice or noise disturbances. Mr. Botto said that the challenge in addressing noise disturbances is that community member switches off the music when Law Enforcement arrives which makes it hard for them to enforce compliance. They are looking at ways on improving on handling this issue guided by the By-law.

Cllr Adams requested clarity on the Lentegeur career exhibition. Mr. Botto said that the Lentegeur issue is the start of the career exhibition programme. Unfortunately the Subcouncil and the Cllrs did not indicate their interest The project is scheduled to be implemented in areas across the City of Cape Town. They are going to take a lot of lessons on the programme scheduled for the 20th to improve on the implementation of future careerexhibitions. He always encourages young officials to facilitate the career exhibitions as they relate better to the youth. Cllr Adams requested the establishment of a law enforcement facility in Athlone to address safety and security concerns more efficiently. The same request was made by Cllr Moses for the Heideveld area.
Mr. Botto promised to look into this issue Cllr Nikelo moved for the adoption of the report seconded by Cllr Moses. There was unanimous agreement with the resolution.

RESOLVED That the report on Progressive Capital Expenditure Report and Operating Ward & Subcouncil Allocations: February 2024 BE NOTED with the comments made by Cllrs. Action: ANTHONY DANIELS

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