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Councillor details

Councillor details

Xanthea Limberg

Name Surname


Cell number:
073 271 2054


Business number:
021 400 1299

Fax number:
086 202 8273

Joined council
10 May 2011

Subcouncil affiliation

All councillors are assigned to a subcouncil and serve either as elected ward councillors or as proportional representation (PR) councillors who are deployed by their political party.

Subcouncil 20

Proportional Representation

Committee Membership

Councillors serve on various committees of Council and represent the interests of their communities across a broad range of sectors. The various committees make recommendations to Council and its structures regarding important public service and other municipal issues.

Current membership

Disciplinary Committee
Joint Cabinet and MayCo Meeting
Mayoral Committee
Mayoral Committee Executive Management Team

Previous membership

Environmental and Spatial Planning Portfolio Committee
22 June 2011 - 01 Sept 2011
Environmental and Spatial Planning Portfolio Committee
(Deputy chairperson)
01 Sept 2011 - 26 Apr 2012
Economic Cluster
13 Feb 2012 - 02 Aug 2016
Environmental and Spatial Planning Portfolio Committee
27 Feb 2013 - 29 May 2014
Energy and Climate Change Committee
26 Apr 2012 - 29 May 2014
Planning Appeals Advisory Panel
21 Nov 2018 -
Water Resilience Advisory Committee
24 Aug 2017 - 12 Dec 2018
Water Resilience Advisory Committee
13 Dec 2018 -
Future Planning Infrastructure Planning Committee - Implementation of the MSDF
31 July 2019 -

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